View Full Version : Hello Everyone

15-03-05, 02:44

I really don't know what to say about myself.
I live in Florida in the states.
I have had panic attacks on and off for about ten years.
They have become more frequent in the last two to three years and now its hard to drive and even leave the house.
I need help but i refuse to use medications. I know in my head thats its not life threatening in the physical sense but it certainly has stifled my living so to speak.

See i tend to ramble too.


15-03-05, 05:42
HI Marlina,
WElcome to the site

You can get over these without meds.

Can you share a bit more about what causes them, which symptoms feel worse, who's around to support you etc

First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Start here and tell us more when you feel able to .

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

15-03-05, 05:44
Hi Marlina

Welcome to the forum.

You'll find some good help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

15-03-05, 08:53
Hi Marlina

Wecome to the site,

There are lots of nice people here who will help
and support you.


When you fear something.
Learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

15-03-05, 09:02
hi welcome to the forum

fan x

15-03-05, 09:58
Hi Marlina
Hi welcome to the site
I have got by without meds, it is possible just about.
Take care

15-03-05, 10:55
Hi Marlina, welcome to the site, you will find it very helpful and get lots of support from a very friendly bunch of people.

I have suffered from Panic attacks/anxiety and depression for nearly 5 years and didn't like the thought of taking medication but gave in Last August and am now on Effexor 75mg which has made me feel alot better for a while but just lately I feel like they have stopped working as I am feel ill again.

Hope you find this site as helpful as I have.
Take care
Love Lisaxx

15-03-05, 10:57
Hi Marlina

Welcome to the site. All of us that have suffered from panic attacks have had our lifes stifled to some degree, but you will get through this without medication if that is how you want to do it.

There are lots of people on this site that will help you and you are not alone.

Take care.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

15-03-05, 11:16
Hiya Marlina,

Welcome to the forum

I also did not take meds (was too scared) an you can get through this without them

Have a look at the website - some great advice


15-03-05, 14:30
Hi Marlina,

Welcome to the site.

I have not taken any meds either, not for the want of trying, my doc would not prescribe any, but in hindsight, maybe if I can cope without them perhaps that is better for me. You need to do what is best for you.
Take care,

15-03-05, 16:17
Thank you all for the wonderful welcome.
I am reading as much as i can. I hate not being able to do all the things i did before. Atleast not without a fight.

15-03-05, 17:12
Hi Marlina
Welcome to the site, i'm sure with the help and support from everyone here we can help you through this.
Take care

15-03-05, 19:06
Hi Marlina

Welcome aboard.

I too decided not to use meds to help me. I was on them for about 15 months over 7 years ago but they never helped the panic attacks so I decided to go it alone.

It can be hard work but in time it starts to get easier.

Hope you stick around.


15-03-05, 19:22

Welcome to the site. Lots of help & friendly people here so you are not alone. Meds seem to suit some people but not others--seems to be whatever is best for the individual, there are many paths to beat Mr. Panic!

Linda. x

Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.

16-03-05, 09:08
Hi marlina

Welcome to the forum, you'll get loads of help and support here, I managed to succeed without meds too it's long ,hard work but is achieveable trust me.

Take care

Elaine x