View Full Version : Did the earth move for you last night

27-02-08, 08:10
Ive probbably put this is the wrong place but feel free to move it

Last nights earthquake shook me out of bed, I live 13 miles from the epi centre, scared is a bit on an understatement, but I didnt panic, I thought I would but, first and probabley, natural instinct kicked in, protect ya kids!!!!! had us all hiding under the door frames lol wrapped in quilts

am just so amazed I didnt panic (much)

anyway I hope everyone is safe and no one was to scared and minimum damage to property,

be good to hear all the different stories of point of impact, maybe a good laugh and a take your mind off everyday worries

love to everyone


Emma xxxxx

27-02-08, 08:21
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_39.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm860YYGB) hiya memyself my daughter phoned this morning told me bout it i must of slept right threw it good job realy else i probly wud of panicked.and well don for not panicking cuz i no i wud of tc xx

http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb113&pp=ZCxdm860YYGB (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb113_ZCxdm860YYGB&utm_id=7921)

27-02-08, 08:31
hiya emma well the earth did,nt move for me last night. some ppl just get all the luck lmao. im glad you didnt panic welldone. ill talk to you in chat soon. take care

kellie xxxxxxxxx

27-02-08, 08:40

well, emma the earth didn't move for me, but my 3 dogs were going beserk.

well done for not panicking

love dawny xxxxxx

27-02-08, 09:47
Yes it did - it woke me up - first i thought it wa s train as i live near railway but then figured i hadnt heard a train lol then i thought me house was gunna subside or seomthing then i thought could be earth quake but why isnt anyone else bothereding - ok irll go back to bed - my heart was goingthough yes and im in warwickshrie - my dad lives in conningsby in linconshire and he said there was people out in the streets n stuff :O/

27-02-08, 09:50
Im only bout 20 miles from epicentre and was at work. We all thought the hospital was collapsing, and then i had to go on a transfer to north tees.

Linda xx

27-02-08, 10:21
I woke up in a right panic, thinking someone was trying to roll the car off the drive and it had rolled back and hit the house, when i couldn't see anything i thought i must have been dreaming and didn't find out what it was till i heard the news this morning. If i had realised i would have been awake half the night waiting for aftershocks (hope we don't get any in the day i am all alone). I live in the west midlands.

Jacq x

27-02-08, 10:33
well i live in gloucestershire and i felt it and it felt very strong to me so emma it must have felt terrible for you!! well done for not panicking:D
glad your home is safe!!

love lex

27-02-08, 10:45
Hey whats all this I hear bout an earthquake last night lol, first a call from my son who had stayed at his dads, well that woke me up at 8am, then my daughter phoned, then my brother lol.

I didn't feel a thing ! !

Hope you are all ok :hugs:

Christine xx :flowers:

27-02-08, 10:49
Hi all just so no one is worried, we had the after shocks at 2.45 and 4am so they have past now, Im feeling quite proud to say that we lived through the biggest earthquake to ever hit the UK

loads of love to everyone

Emma xxxx:yesyes:

Ma Larkin
27-02-08, 11:20
It woke me up and I live in Manchester. Was a lot stronger than the last one we had a couple of years ago. I didn't panic though because I knew straight away it was an earthquake, but quite a few people I know thought it was a bomb. Pretty scary really!


27-02-08, 11:57
Gona have to post this twice cuz theres two topics on it,

An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.2 shook parts of England and Wales this morning

The quake was the largest to hit Britain since one with a magnitude of 5.4 in 1984.

A baby compared to what the rest of the world normaly have.

27-02-08, 12:29
Hi all, it scared the you know what's out of me!!! Lol.
I have experienced earthquakes here before but i wasn't ill then so it never bothered me at all and i found it quite fascinating and exciting to be honest.
This one got me just as i had gone to bed, watching only fools and horses, lol and WHAM! It seemed to last for ages and my whole house shook, our bed moved across the floor and we even had the noise too. I couldn't believe that we had had an earthquake even though i knew it was one and because of it I honestly thought that the house was subsiding, lots of building work going on right by our house and we are apparently built over old mine shafts too, so i was really scared. It hit us at 1am and even though i didn't have a panic attack i was very, very anxious and then switched on the radio. Nothing was said so i sent a text in about it, then the emails and text's came flying in to say that it was an earthquake and lots of people had experienced it too.
I know that we are very, very lucky compared to other countries that go through such shocking experiences all the time, in more ways than one, but with the anxiety that we suffer makes everything so much worse in our bodies to cope with things and things that are so unexpected too.

27-02-08, 13:45
I'm in south lincs and it woke hubby up and loads of the neighbours but I slept through. Thank god. I'm more worried about it now though just in case we have another one and its stronger and we're near the wash and what happens if we have a tsunami. and oh ducky lucky the sky is falling down. Ok I need to get a grip but like lots of us anxious people it is the what ifs that are scarier than the what is happening. Well done to emma for not panicking.

27-02-08, 14:39
Hope everyone is feeling ok now, I heard there may be some slight after shocks still to come but some wont even feel them so dont worry

Emma xxx

27-02-08, 16:18
I didn't feel that earthquake, I'm too far south, though I was at work when an earthquake hit England last year in Folkestone, Kent.

I had a panic attack because people were saying that there was a gas explosion, so I had a reason to panic, lol. Then we found out it was an earthquake ... and my chimney almost fell into my house!!!

Earthquakes aren't fun but it's something you can say to your grandchildren "I was in an earthquake once!"

27-02-08, 21:52
Hi There
hubby and i wore up reading and heard this almighty noise and then the bed moved , i didnt know what was happening we thought the derilict house next door had fallen down!!! Then hubby said that was an earthquake then the kids woke up etc but we are all ok.
Take care all
Anne xx

27-02-08, 22:06
woke me. the bed was shaking and heard a low rumbling noise. living not far away from lincoln i wondered if something had happened at one of the local airfields such as terrorists. heard the news on sky that it was an earthquake which still had me hyped up.

28-02-08, 00:06
I didn't notice this at all.
Perhaps because I live in London?!

Brandy snap
02-03-08, 02:33
I was still up when the earthquake happened. I was quietly sorting some papers and suddenly heard what I thought was our bedhead banging against the wall for quite a while. My husband had been in bed asleep for some time so I wondered what on earth was going on. Then I heard what sounded like all our cats charging round the house with hobnail boots on. Then as suddenly as it started, it stopped. It wasn't until the following day that I heard it had been an earthquake. Glad you are all OK.