View Full Version : something is wrong

27-02-08, 10:41
Hi , sorry to be posting on here again but Im feeling scared,
I am under investigation for dizziness and balance problems and one specialist ive seen thinks its the message not getting to my brain from my legs.
I am gonna be checked out further, but everday is difficult because Im finding walking very challanging , I walked my daughter to school this morning and feel like i am tipping over....everything looks ok but its like i am on a ship and i stagger to the left or the right . Sometimes the floor looks like it shifts fast and I am about to fall , it gets so bad i cant tell which way is up and have to cling onto a wall . I am always off balanced and am so sick of waiting for answers. I feel i do have ms cos my condition is getting worse.
My appointment is the 13th march , and it cant come soon enough.....
the waiting is wearing me down and I just want to cry cos I never thought anything like this would happen to me,,, I am feeling disabled and dont understand why. Sorry I just have to let it out cos my family are worried and i dont want to worry them more. Im just so fed up with it .

27-02-08, 10:59
Hi Mirry, I have had dizzy probs not as severe as yours I must admit but did once spent a few days in bed because i just couldn't stand up. Think because I have had it on and off for a few years - infact only suffered from it since coming off seroxat, it was always one of the worst side effects and although I have been off it for a few years still seems to effect me - I just seem to live with it unless it is so severe I have to lie down.

I have had a mri scan that showed nothing and been on betehisimine (sorry can't spell that) but did not help at all.

I am so sorry to hear you are suffering though, try not to anticipate what it might be - like ms - because as you know dizziness is a symptom of anxiety so the more you fret the worse it may be.

So easy to say try and stay calm but it is the best advice I can offer and a :hugs: .

Christine xx :flowers:

27-02-08, 11:09
Hi Mirry,
so sorry to hear you are feeling so awful at the moment, naturally you are going to be scared, because you do not know what is causing it. I sometimes feel its better to know even if its not what you what to hear because at least any treatment you need can then be given.
This has been going on a long time for you and you must be so fed up i really hope the doctors can find the cause soon so you can at least move forward.
Thinking of you

27-02-08, 11:12

oh hun, i really feel for you in my heart......your a lovely friend xxxxxx

i hope you get the answers this time.

im always here if you need me

dawny xxxxx

Pink Panic
27-02-08, 11:27
Hi Mirry,

Please don't ever be sorry for posting ..... we are all here to support each other. :hugs:

You are a lovely person and i really hope you get the answers you need hun.

Sending you lots of hugs and love :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


27-02-08, 12:41
You are such good friends to me , dont know what i would do without you all , and this site .
I read your replys and had a cry .(probally just what i needed).
Maybe I will do better tommorrow ,but thank you for listening to how i feel cos its so hard to explain what Im going thru,
You know im not good with words but I want You to know you are such lovely people :hugs:.

Bless you .

27-02-08, 13:35
Hi Mirry,

Keep on posting!!!!

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hopefully-everything crossed-this will be resolved for you soon.
Best wishes,

27-02-08, 14:23
Mirry hun i hope you get some answers soon :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


27-02-08, 14:34
Hi mirry.

I'm not a medic so what I think may not be of much help but I thought with ms yu actually got a feeling of numbness and tingling in the calf or arm etc. The way you describe what is happening sounds more like anxiety or fatigue in the muscles. This is something I get really badly especially in my thighs. I feel that after a very small amount of walking that my legs are just not strong enough to carry me. You also mention that things seem to move and that tipping up feeling. Isn't that more like vertigo. Have you told your docs that you are worried you may have ms because they may be able to put your mind at rest. Good luck with the tests.

27-02-08, 14:40
I had this problem some time ago investigated for vertigo and had a brain scan nothing showed up, however, I am currently off work with "Stress" and guess what this symptom has returned. I am currently worrying myself to death over it but I am sure it is an anxiety symptom.

Good Luck


27-02-08, 15:00
They told me its not anxiety because i get the nystagmus of the eyes ,
my caloric test also showed i have very low functioning balance organs , and I have a gait (ataxia) with significant sway. The last guy i seen touched on m.s in a round about way and other things , so I have to wait now.I do get the tingling and this is what makes me worry more , I also get prickling feelings.
Its like i can be calm and happy yet still cant walk properly and it drives me mad,,, its so frustrating. I suppose being a anxiety sufferer I get myself worked up but they told me that anxiety does not cause ataxia :shrug: .

I just want a name to this cant take the not knowing , yet my neighbour has cancer so realise how bad things are for other people, which makes me feel guilty .

27-02-08, 15:17
I am sure you will get this sorted soon. Let us know how you get on am thinking about you.
Lots of love

27-02-08, 15:28
Hi Mirry,

Sorry to hear you're having a rough time of it -I'm sure your appointment seems a hell of a long way off and you're bound to go through ups and downs until then, but it will come. You've been fantastically brave in sorting this out, and there's not much to be done until you've seen someone, so see if you can offset your worry until then -easier said than done I know. Its human nature to detest uncertainty, thats just our survival instinct. Give yourself a big hug from me and everyone else here.

27-02-08, 19:05
Hello Mirry !
Sorry to hear that you feel so frazzled at the moment. We can all understand how anxious you feel waiting for specialist appointments. You don't say what you think may be wrong - but make sure you tell whoever you see. I'm guessing you might have an MRI scan, and that's great coz that will put your mind at rest for sure. Until 13th take one day at a time; you can only affect the present, so stay in the here-and-now, worrying about future tests is a waste of energy - and you need to conserve all you can ! Keep logging on for support - we're all thinking of you.
Be kind to yorself

27-02-08, 19:21
that is so true i need to stay in the present moment , thank you for reminding me of this neptuno.

Im so thankfull for all the support , I will let you know how i get on and what they say . Today I booked a weekend break away for the 14th march , think this is just what i need, it will make a nice change hobbling around somewhere new .


28-02-08, 11:08
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

28-02-08, 11:55
went round my friends this morning and the 4 of us were sitting there and they started asking me to go places with them , so I had to explain that things are difficult at the moment and as I started talking about it , I cried:blush: , but they were great - Im so lucky in so many ways .

cheers everyone:winks: .

28-02-08, 12:04
sending you a huge warm hug Mirry:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: i hope you enjoy your break away hun.:hugs: :hugs: Love Paddie,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

28-02-08, 15:24
thanks paddie :hugs:

03-03-08, 11:07
Hi mirry
so sorry to hear you feeling low at the moment.
to sympathise - my dizzy feelings went away for a few months - a couple of weeks ago I actually thought I was feeling so much better and now in the last week my dizzyness has hit me back again as bad as it has ever been. I was feeling great (for the first time in over two years).
I worry about MS type things as I have another symptom that ties in with it and the symptom I have comes and goes - but if you have a clear MRI scan they will tell you it is not MS.

I hope they can clear things up for you soon - and give you a diagnosis. No ataxia is not related to anxiety, but one specialist I saw tells me that lots of us have things wrong with us that are not evident till we see specialists, and that anxiety because of its different effects can make anything we have wrong with us worse.

Take care
Bead x

03-03-08, 11:26
That is true Bead babe , anxiety can highlight any problem that we may have :wacko: .
Today I got myself organised and wrote a list for my next appointment (they will love me there, lol).


1: Buzzing in my left ear when my husband talks at night.
2: Ear Pain in left ear (stabbing pain) and ear pressure feeling.
3: Head movements can cause a falling feeling.
4: Loud noises can make me feel like im falling,being thrown or the room spins or jumps.
5: Walking makes me veer left to right and i feel im gonna fall.
6: Busy enviroments make me feel more off balanced.
7: Difficulty walking in the dark.
8: A Pulsation in my left eye and sometimes a horizontal nystagmus.
9: Once in a while a numb sensation by my left ear on "my face".
10: sometimes a tremor feeling through my head , (mainly with noise).
11: Popping noises in my left ear when i lay down.
12: Vertigo for no reason.
13: Left eye pain , can hurt when moving it.
14: An unexplained morning cough (5 years).

1) Eng testing , results normal except for caloric test showing = low functioning in both ears.
2) Walking down hallway = Significant sway.
3) Nystagmus = Horizontal.

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

03-03-08, 12:14
Hello Mirry. I had something similar about 18 months ago. Went to the doctor for dizziness and these weird, odd sensations in my legs. Used to really notice it in the mornings when walking my dogs - felt like I'd lost co-ordination with my legs.

Of course I convinced myself I had something horrible and visited Dr Google :lac: Anyway pestered the doctor and was referred to a neurologist. Had a full brain and back MRI scan. Problem was dislodged crystals in the ear canal - causing my dizziness and had a slighltly slipped disc in my lower back which was causing my funny leg sensations.

I'm sure everything is fine. Got myself into a right state and it all turned out to be nothing serious. Many leg tingling/funny feelings are due to trapped nerves and back problems and most dizziness problems are caused by the ears.

Good luck :hugs:

03-03-08, 13:11
Thanks Jenny , I do have a good imagination it seems ,lol.
Hope you feel better now.
