View Full Version : Bad mood swings when feeling better !

27-02-08, 12:02
I suffer with general anxiety and agoraphobia, since the New Year I have been 'pushing' myself a lot more, even down to the point of going into town on my worst days just so I can practice.
I have also attended school meetings and docs and hospital with my sons which I coped with so well.

Problem is I am having really bad mood swings, last night I felt so deflated and sobbed for over an hour and just felt so fed-up that I had to be going through all this, and told my bf I was so sick of 'fighting' every minute of everyday I just wanted to give in, get in a corner and curl-up !.

I feel that my body is fighting back against me getting fully well again.

Is this normal ?? when I was just in the house all the time and not trying I was on a more even keel emotionally.

I don't expect to get well quickly I know it takes time, but I feel very low both physically and emotionally.

Any advice would be helpful.

Christine xx :flowers:

Pink Panic
27-02-08, 13:03
Hi Christine,

I get these mood swings too. A few weeks back i started crying and i just couldn't stop. I also get that fed up feeling too along with other horrible feelings. I know from your previous posts that you have had a tough week what with worrying about your wee lad and you have coped wonderfully and perhaps this has made you feel emotionally and physically drained and you should have a little "me" time.
I can relate to what you are saying about being on a more even keel when you were indoors all the time, this was the same for me too. When we are inside nothing is really expected of us and we aren't faced with enduring the anx that comes with going out however when we do start doing things then we not only want to push ourselves but others also begin to expect more from us which can be overwhelming.
Finding the right balance sure isn't easy.
Hope this helps and hope you feel better soon :hugs:


27-02-08, 13:15
Hi Chris,

You are making amazing changes to your life!!!
If you were to actually write down all the things you have achieved,I think you would be gob-smacked.
Such changes do take a physical and mental toll,though.
You will now have to learn what your limits are and strictly enforce them on yourself.
Saying No to others is not a crime!!
This is a lifetime job-give yourself time to change and to build up a reservoir of experience and better health which will allow you to cope.
You are doing brilliantly!!!
Make sure you are eating properly,good fluid intake and good rest.
As you get stronger,your limits will change and the feelings you are experiencing will recede.
One day at a time.
Best wishes,
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

27-02-08, 13:55
Hi there. I think what chalky has said is spot on. I longed for the day when in stead of stealing myself to go some place I was actually able to go without worrying about how I was going to feel. That feeling of doing battle constantly is exhausting. Pacing yourself helps and taking time to look after yourself is really important.

28-02-08, 00:11
Hi Christine
You are doing really well but I can totally understand your mood swings because I am exactly the same, I don't know why but out of the blue my mood suddenly drops, you are not on your own. Take care.
love Mags xxx