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View Full Version : Panic about appointment

27-02-08, 12:36
I know I have posted on here before about this subject but as time moves closer to my endosopy appointment (next Wednesday) I am driving myself mad. Despite the fact that I have had some wonderful responses from many of you who have experienced the procedure, I am now really worried as I have been off work with a cold the last couple of days and am now full of cattarh (can't spell it) - so frightened that they won't give me any sedation if it doesn't clear up by next week as can't breathe through my nose well and have a cough!
Further question, if anyone can answer, and I am sure it sounds stupid but how come you don't choke when they stick a camera down your throat - you would if it was a piece of food!!

27-02-08, 12:43
Hi Jane,your cold will have probably settled by next week.They will tell you if its all ok to go ahead when you arrive.When your sedated all your muscles will be relaxed.You wont know the camera is going down,when you get a piece of food stuck its a natural reaction to try and cough it up.All will be fine.They know what there doing sweety.I was a nervouse wreck,spent all the morning in the loo.But it all went ok,I had a lovely kip,and a cup of tea after.then I slept all day at home.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

27-02-08, 12:50
Thanks Ellen - you are sweet to reply. I just want to get it over with and wish it was today!! I keep saying - "this time next week, it will all be over"
Love Jane

27-02-08, 12:58
I know what you mean,but it will be over this time next week.:yahoo:
Its not as bad as it seems,and you dont feel a thing.:hugs:

27-02-08, 13:12
you will be so relaxed you wont know ( i know i was) :yesyes: .

27-02-08, 14:41
Hi jane

A couple of years ago I had to have a biopsy in my nose and during this they put a camera up my nose and down my throat. I was so scared of having any sedative/anaesthetic that I asked for it to be done cold sober. The surgeon wasn't keen but it was fine. I'm not suggesting that you do this but just trying to reassure you that the sensation is very manageable and I am a HUGE coward. It went so well that it made me wonder what other things we could manage without drugs.

27-02-08, 14:41
Thanks Mirry

27-02-08, 14:48
Thanks for your response. I have had the endoscope up my nose and down my throat when I went to ENT clinic for "lump" in throat that so many of us suffer from. I have to say it was fine and I was proud of myself for having it done. Only had liquid aneasthetic up one nostril on that occasion. Somehow the thought of the scope going down into the stomach (and having to swallow it as my sister keeps telling me you have to do) makes me go ahhhhhhhh!

27-02-08, 16:24
Jane under aneasthetic you dont have to swollow,they push the tube down your fast asleep.:hugs: :hugs: