View Full Version : Panic about dementia

27-02-08, 13:21
Hallo all, me again!

I'm sat here at my desk in a right panic at the moment which is irritating as I was determined to have a good day today!

This morning I called one of my work colleagues the wrong name. It's not wildly silly as she and the person's name I called her are wearing the same coloured top today... however its really scared me because my worst fear and my fear all along is that I'm coming down with dementia, and calling someone the wrong name is fairly uncharacteristic of me. I'm now sat feeling dizzy and anxious -questioning all my thoughts, memory, going through loads of mind chatter, feeling completely zoned out, and convinced I'm deteriorating.

Doctor(s) say anxiety, but I'm not sure if I'm feeling anxious enough to produce all of this!?!

Urrrrgh, any feedback would be much appreciated -feel like I'm totally losing it here...

Ed x

27-02-08, 13:27
Hi Ed,

I could write an Encyclopedia Britannia's worth of instances of forgetting things!
It is normal for "small stuff" to worry us-we are pre-disposed to it!
If that is the height of your forgetfulness,challenge your thinking,logically.
Countless people forget small things like this on a daily basis and shrug it off.
Learn to do this,too by positive thinking.
best wishes,

27-02-08, 13:33
Thanks so much Chalky! Its so nice to have some reassurance. I'm so grateful for this website, you lot are amazing!

Ed x

27-02-08, 13:39

I do this all the time - dont worry.

27-02-08, 14:07
hi howler
you can rest assured that you dont have dementia. my mother had dementia. when you think you have it you dont have it. people with dementia have no idea that they have it.what you have is all down to anxiety. hope this helps
love debera:hugs: :hugs:

27-02-08, 14:20
Hi Ed

your certainly not alone with this, i have done the same things many times, its all part of anxiety hun so try not to worry. I remember even calling my husband by the wrong name once because my mind was else where, its easily done hun. Was quite hard explaining who Steve was though to my husband.lol:ohmy:

try not to worry


27-02-08, 14:26
yu definately don't have dementia. My aunt has it in the early stages and like debera says she doesn't know she has it and certainly couldn't rationally worry about it like you are doing.

We all forget and make simple mistakes. I've been married to my second husband for 11 years and when I am writing things like christmas cards etc I still sometimes put my first husbands name down. I constantly call my young daughter by her older sisters name. hope this helps

27-02-08, 15:05
You're all so lovely, thank you so much! I feel much better now although rather silly especially since it seems a lot of you are coping with relatives or friends who are genuinely suffering from such an illness, it must take a great deal of strength to cope. Its amazing how, in the grips of an anxiety attack, everything and anything seems plausible and rational thinking just goes out of the window...


12-03-08, 00:59
Hi Ed,

Don't be affraid - it is true that the person who has it doesn't know that. My grand mother has and she is not aware of that.
We all forget things due to low concentration and anxiety of course.

So don't worry, cheer up and stop with the negative toughts.