View Full Version : Any advice?

27-02-08, 14:09
Im new! please look after me!
Im a 32yr old mum of 1 gorgeous but most highly active 3 year old!

ive been poorley for over 4 months, palpitations, dizziness, heart racing, fell like im going to pass out, pins and needles in my hands, not sleeping and justgenerally unwell. My gp has put this down to a virus. I am curently taking 100mg per day of atenolol and have had an echo scan on my heart (all clear and ok) and have just had an ecg machine for 7 days for which I have to wait 2-3 weeks for the results. I have accepted what my gp has said over the few months but having got no better I am wondering if (having researched and found this site) if its more than a virus - more like anxiety.

Ive never suffered with anxiety before - but having had a very stressful year last year it all seems to point to that

Sorry - If im posting in the rong place here - I just didnt know where to start

27-02-08, 14:18
hiya molly

first welcome to no more panic:grouphug:

i to have had palps and most of the symptoms you are having now and i found it hard to belive it was all down to anx but i know now it is and the more help i get the better i am feeling .
have a good look around the forum you will fine a lot of help there i am sure and meet new people

jodie xx

27-02-08, 14:20
Thanks! Hope you dont mind me asking, are you on any medication for it? - what help did your gp give you?

27-02-08, 17:13
Jolly Molly. Check that it isn't the atenolol that might be adding to your problems. Why did the doc give yu this if he thought yu had a virus. I was given atenolol for high bp. Although it is also used to treat mild anxiety. You seem to be on a much higher dose than I was. I found it made me more anxious and I got a lot of dizzynes and muscle cramps with it. I was changed to sotolol and although I still have some symptoms they are much less and I noticed an improvement as soon as I changed. Of course only change with docs advice.