View Full Version : Appointment with CPN

27-02-08, 18:47

I have been referred to the CPN at my GP's surgery for a half hour appointment on Friday. I know from previous posts some of you have mentioned CPNs and I just wonder if anyone can give me some idea what to expect ?


27-02-08, 22:05
s/he will probably just ask you about your condition and what meds you are on and stuff.nothing to be nervous about.

bet x

28-02-08, 15:11
Thanks Bet. When my G.P referred me she didn't have a lot of time for my questions and just said " we need to get to the bottom of whats causing this anxiety ". Hopefully this CPN will just be your average miracle worker !
Thanks again

29-02-08, 09:23
Hi, I had my assesment late last year and all he did first time was fill a questionaire in which i pressume is a set form wherever you are, he gave sent me a copy so i will list some of the things he asked about.

1: overview of problems you have, and how long youv'e had them
2: desired outcome
3: physical appearance
4: behaviour ie; retless irritable calm
5: speech
6: perceptions ie; are you rational hallucinating psychotic
7: thought ie: your beliefs (mine was i will choke)
8: cognitive function: ie; concentration memory attention
9: mood
10: anxiety symptoms
11: sleep pattern
12: appetite/diet
13: risk assesment ie; are you a suicide risk
14: previous mental health contacts
15: family history and structure
16: childhood development
17: education history
18: employment/occupation/daytime activities
19: activities of daily living ie; cooking shopping self-care
20: hobbies and interests
21: spirtual belief
22: history of abuse ie; sexual emotional physical
23: sexual issues ie: ; loss of libido
24: significant life events/stressors/complex issues
25: relevant medical history (other than anxiety)
26: insight into your illness ie; you understand whats happening but can't control it
27: list current meds and responses to them
28: list past meds and responses
29: financial ie; do you work are you in debt
30: any benefits getting or applying for
31: accomodation ie; renting/home owner
32: pets
33: your main carer and there relationship to you
34: substance use ie; do you smoke drink take drugs or have you in the past
35: personal strengths ie; what has helped before ( not meds)
36: what support do you feel you need
37: his/her impressions of you
38: assesment summary and what he/she feels the help you need is and if it critical moderate or low.
he also got me to fill in one of the beck symptom tick lists.
Sorry if it's a bit long winded but if you are like me it makes me more anxious going into somewhere not knowing what they are going to ask me and i am terrible at on the spot questions, hope it is of some use.

Jacq x

29-02-08, 19:45
Thanks Jacq for your reply. I managed a look before I saw the CPN earlier today. She didn't do an actual questionnaire but she did ask about most of the things you listed so it really helped that I felt prepared. She was very nice and spent time listening to my replies. She feels that I would benefit from attending an anxiety support group. It's a 2 hour session once a week for about 6 weeks headed up by a mental health professional and attended by people like me. I'm willing to give it a go.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply, it really helped. Hope things are going o.k for you

29-02-08, 21:23
Hi Goodlife,

that was great post by jacq, glad it helped to prepare you for your cpn appointment.

Good luck with the anxiety groups, I hope they help

take care
