View Full Version : What now??

27-02-08, 21:34
Right today was going well so got home and thought come on lady get yer backside in the gym tonight (am trying to get fit):whistles:

I got there and was well busy which was fine (mostly men lol), but then when I got in there felt really horrible and panicky like I wanted to get out. Thought I was just bein silly so stayed for 1/2 hour then started feelin really bleurghhh - anxious and generally pants (health anx thoughts again :lac:)

I went and sat in the changing rooms for about 20 minutes (never had a proper panic attack before so dont know if that was wat it was) so not sure what was up with me tonight :(

am gonna give it a rest now and go back on Sunday - Hopefully it was just an off night, there is no way Health anx is getting the better of me. Life is short and I wanna be doing this :yahoo: more than doing this :wacko:

Ta for reading

Claire xxxx

27-02-08, 21:38
I think you are brave even going down the gym I had a panic attak once and never went back! shame on me :D

Hope you keep going!!!

27-02-08, 22:17
aw mate :hugs:

but a massive well done you for going in there first place!!! :yesyes:

don't beat yourself up about it...like you said your not gonna let it get the better of you so just give it another go when you fel up to it

we're all in this together and i'll be there with you (in spirit obviously...i dont do gyms :lac: )

much love

lou xxxxx

27-02-08, 22:18
Hi Claire,

Well done for going to the gym.
From personal experience,there used to be times when I went and it was a real struggle-weights felt heavier,legs felt heavier,etc.
At times like this,you just walk away and look forward to the next time.
If you are not used to intense exercise,your body will take time to adapt.Give yourself time and keep fighting the negative thoughts.
Best wishes,

27-02-08, 23:57
Hi Claire
I think your doing amazingly well with your positive attitude, keep it up and you will beat this anxiety once and for all.
love Mags xxx

28-02-08, 06:04

Don't get too dis-heartened, all you had was just an "off day". Don't let it put you off going either. When I got back into going to the gym regular (when I was at my worst) and had tried everything else, I had a couple of high anxiety attacks in the gym or on the way to it.

Now get your ass back down the gym ;)

As you get fitter and more comfortable with going, it will become easier, more familiar to you and these feelings will subside.

Jaco :hugs:

28-02-08, 07:38
Hi, well done for going in the first place !! I know you were so excited and were doing so well. Don't let this little 'blip' worry you. Take a few days off and go back with batteries re-charged and more relaxed.

Christine xx :flowers:

28-02-08, 08:58
Big hugs for you Claire, well done! :hugs: :hugs:

It's just a thought but did you put your glass of blush down while you was on the running machine, because I know if you spilt a whole glass of it that could make you panic loads? It would me anyway :unsure:

Well done for getting to the gym in the first place and definately go back, don't let a little blip spoil your chances of ogling fit men for a couple of hours! :winks:

Keep positive hun, you know it makes sense :yesyes:


28-02-08, 10:01
aww :hugs:

it will have just been a off day claire ,mabe coz the gym was so full of people .
mabe give it a couple of days then go back i am sure you will be fine happens to the best of us mate ur doing realy well :yesyes:

jodie xxx

28-02-08, 19:40
Thanks peeps xxx

And Ju....... yeah I save the blush for after I finished in there, but I did notice a bottle holder on the side of each machine lol

Don't worry am not put off.... will be back in there Sunday.....and will reward myself with a trip to the shops :yahoo: