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View Full Version : Here again..asthma worries..

27-02-08, 23:16
I think I may have asthma but I'm not sure.

Ever since I was little I would get out of breath easily, I could never do sports properly because I would get so breathless I'd have to stop and catch my breath back. Now even just walking up a flight of stairs leaves me too breathless to talk or drink. When walking fast I get severe stitch like pain and become breathless too. When I was little I had a few "episodes" where I would be able to breathe in but not be able to breathe out. If I run, especially in the winter, I always have a coughing fit afterwards. And whenever I get colds they go to my chest and I get so phlegmy I find it difficult to breathe. Do these sound like asthma symptoms to you?

Oh, I as well as several other members of my family, suffer from eczema and hayfever too which I know are connected.

27-02-08, 23:19
You can go and see doc and he will diagnose it

Then you will know

27-02-08, 23:20
I know but I'll feel daft if it's nothing =/

27-02-08, 23:24
That is what they are there for

27-02-08, 23:26

You'll not look daft at all:)

If there is a problem he will pick it up - if there is not it will put your mind at rest:doh:

Hope it settles.

Denise x

27-02-08, 23:37
Thanks! I keep thining maybe I'm just unfit but I would be fit if I could actually exercise while being able to breathe ¬.¬

16-03-08, 23:18
Having problems again.

Can hear it on my chest when I breathe, I sound wheezy. Going to book a dr.s appointment tomorrow just need to talk to someone. Going through a bad flare up of anxiety at the moment.

17-03-08, 00:50
Definitely go to the docs :yesyes: I had a test last year and it was fine. I completely thought I had asthma so the result of the test was a relief. :) I thought i was wheezy too.

17-03-08, 18:44
I feel like I got asthma after I do even a little bit of exercise. Really gets me down cause it can affect me for hours. Its like my chest is congested. I got no idea what it is or what to do!!! :(

Its not asthma though as ive been tested for that.

17-03-08, 20:54
Hi Charlottie,

Visit your Doc and if necessary he will give you a Peak Flow Meter test as well as listening to your lungs.For PFM,all you do is blow into a tube and it measures the "strength" of your lungs.
It's not worth causing yourself undue stress when your Doctor will be able to sort this out for you.
Best wishes,