View Full Version : A survey on Panic for my Essay--pleeeease help it's due Fri! :D

28-02-08, 04:32
Hi everybody, I would be so thankful if you would take a moment to answer my survey for my persuasive essay about Panic Attacks. Write what you know, eh? :D

(And yeah, it's another good reason to panic...essay due Fri...grumblemumble...)

Anyway my essay's about "Panic Attacks are important enough for the general
public to be educated about." I think that panic does NOT get the same attention as other disorders and mental issues do and so many people don't know about it. That's half the reason I had panic in the first place: I simply didn't KNOW what was happening.

1. Do you think there's a difference in coverage in the media (TV, radio, internet) between panic and other disorders (depression, addiction of various sorts, bipolar, PTSD, etc)? What do you assume the ratio to be, generally?

2. Is there more information in different mediums? (For example I found exactly what I needed through the internet and there are a ton of panic sites out there, vs. info from the TV.)

3. Where did you first hear about panic attacks? (From your GP, the TV, word of mouth, family, etc.)

4. Do you feel that the coverage of panic and the knowledge about such distributed to the general public is adequate? What changes would you like to see?

5. Do you feel that panic disorder/attacks is not taken as seriously as other mental issues? How about any issues, medically? How about taken seriously, period?

6. How do you feel the general public views panic attacks? Do you wish to make a difference in this view?

7. Do you have panic attacks/panic disorder/agoraphobia?

8. Anything else you'd like to say about this subject?

Thank you so much for your time! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

28-02-08, 05:17
I can only answer for Australia but here goes

1.TV and radio here seem obsessed with depression but panic and anxiety don't rate a mention.
The ratio would be 100% to NIL

2.The internet has vastly more info eg.this site

3.I first heard the term Panic Attack in emergency

4.I would like to see the public made aware that panic (and other disorders other than depression ) actually exist.

5. I think it is taken seriously among the medical fraternity here but not by the general public.

6.The public seems to have the "Get over it " attitude.

7.I suffer from Panic and GAD (kept under control with meds) and hold down a very stressful full time job

8.I'm heartily sick of hearing about depression in the media with no mention of other mental illnesses.

Phill :shades:

28-02-08, 09:25
I have to agree with phill on all issues, i suffer from GAD and agorophobia and it gets nowhere the coverage that depression and other mental health issues get.
I too am fed up with the get over it attitude.
I have to use the internet to find information as there is very rarely anything on the TV about it.
I first heard about panic from my GP.
I find most of the general public are totally unaware of panic etc unless they have been affected by it.
I would like to see more readily available info on it, for instance in my doctors waiting room there are leaflets on just about everything but i have yet to see one on panic disorders, maybe if there were people would actually pick one up and read it.
Good luck

28-02-08, 09:42
1. I notice that they mention panic attacks/disorder among with mental illnesses like schitzophernia, bipolar and other such illnesses.

2. Books are meant to be good and like you said I have found tonnes of info on panic on the internet and they DONT connect us with mental illness.

3. My mum told me that I experienced one when I had my first attack, she already knew about them because she works in a hospital and the ward she manages is near the psyciatric ward.

4. Not alot of information is given to the public about panic attacks. I have only found ONE leaflet and that was at my college outside the counselling room. Apart from that nothing is given to the public.

5. People assume that people with this disorder can 'easily get over it' with a bit of counselling which I can say is NOT TRUE. That, anxiety and phobias are not taken seriously, and same with depression now.

6. Not alot of them know what a panic attack is whilst some who witness an attack think it is an asthma attack or an over reaction to a situation. People close to a sufferer know that it is a traumatic experience.

7. Panic disorder

8. There should awarness days about such conditions like panic attacks, depression, OCD etc because some people, like those who are depressed, don't understand what is happening or know what it is they have, especially for those who are teens. Day time telly or morning shows like GMTV should make awareness shows about these and how damagin it can be. Colleges and schools should do the same to their pupils.

29-02-08, 21:52
Thank you guys so much, you've helped me a lot! I'm definetly going to include some of your quotes in my essay. :D I think my hypothesis is correct, even in other countries. If you want to see my essay when I'm done just let me know!

11-03-08, 07:52
How did the essay go?
Can we see it yet?
Phill :shades:

11-03-08, 09:38
1. Do you think there's a difference in coverage in the media (TV, radio, internet) between panic and other disorders (depression, addiction of various sorts, bipolar, PTSD, etc)? What do you assume the ratio to be, generally?

2. Is there more information in different mediums? never seen anything on tv or haerd anything on radio-my only access to info is internet

3. Where did you first hear about panic attacks? family friend had them

4. Do you feel that the coverage of panic and the knowledge about such distributed to the general public is adequate? What changes would you like to see? no it is far from adequate-i want to see the stigma taken away by educating people into knowing that this is not something people do for "attention" and put it on as it is so terryfying when it happens

5. Do you feel that panic disorder/attacks is not taken as seriously as other mental issues? How about any issues, medically? How about taken seriously, period? no i believe that panic disorder is not taken seriously-i think it is too easy for someone un-educated about this to say "just calm down" when they dont understand it in any way

6. How do you feel the general public views panic attacks? Do you wish to make a difference in this view? i feel that it is looked down on and seen as attention seeking or being over dramatic

7. Do you have panic attacks/panic disorder/agoraphobia?
i have GAD and panic disorder including panic attacks. mild agoraphobia depending on when kind of day i'm having (more of anticipatory anx i.e something planned etc)
8. Anything else you'd like to say about this subject?
not really-justr a well done snd good luck xxx

11-03-08, 12:43
Hi Gry

Sorry I didnt see this when you first posted. Hope your essay went ok.

I just thought I'd post what I thought anyway :D

1. Do you think there's a difference in coverage in the media (TV, radio, internet) between panic and other disorders (depression, addiction of various sorts, bipolar, PTSD, etc)?
I think addiction of drugs and alcohol is covered more than depression and other mental health disorders. Addictions seem to be given precedence without really going into the cause of the addiction.
What do you assume the ratio to be, generally? I think there is more coverage on TV. Havent heard any on radio, but I dont listen to radio that much.

2. Is there more information in different mediums? Definitely more coverage on the internet. Have never seen anything on TV covering anxiety or panic.

3. Where did you first hear about panic attacks? I found out through a friend who suffered from them.

4. Do you feel that the coverage of panic and the knowledge about such distributed to the general public is adequate? What changes would you like to see? I think its definitely inadequate. When people think about anxiety I think they assume that it just means people who "worry too much" which I guess is anxiety in a nutshell but its much more debiletating than they realise. I'd like to see mental health charities raising more awareness. Maybe TV ads and radio. Maybe run an "awareness week" if there isnt one already.

5. Do you feel that panic disorder/attacks is not taken as seriously as other mental issues? How about any issues, medically? How about taken seriously, period?
I dont think its taken seriously as ANY issues. I think people are frightened of the word "mental health". They assume people are "nutters" and "freaks" and are a danger to society. GPs are too quick to dish out medication and whilst this can help in the short term in terms of lessening the severity of the anxiety, I think therapies are more effective.

6. How do you feel the general public views panic attacks? Do you wish to make a difference in this view?
I dont think the general public understand panic attacks. Maybe they think they are someone's way of "attention seeking". I would like there to be more education in this regard.

7. Do you have panic attacks/panic disorder/agoraphobia?
I used to have panic attacks most days but now they are few and far between. I suffer with generalised anxiety.

8. Anything else you'd like to say about this subject?

11-03-08, 19:04

Here you go guys, I'm sorry I forgot to update this page! Thanks for filling out the extra surveys, I still think it's very interesting what other people think about the subject.