View Full Version : Totally different planet

28-02-08, 05:42

I've just woken up, well about half an hour ago for no reason whatsoever and needless to say I now can't get back to sleep.

I feel terrible, totally panicky. Theres nothing anyone can do I just want them to stop!! Theyre affecting my work and sleep. I don't understand why they've got so much worse. I'm about to pay a small fortune for a total healthcheck for myself, and am worried they'll find something as I just can't believe that these feelings can just be panic/anxiety, why do they come out of nowhere!?

Feel like I'm on a totally different planet this morning, and whats worse is I'm at home now, I have to drive to work and then spend the day there....URGH! Hate it!! How can I make them stop!!


28-02-08, 08:19
These feelings can often come out of nowhere. I got my first panic attack when I was 12 and just watching the telly. Can you not get checked on the NHS. These issues are common and you should get help.
The best of luck in finding what is wrong anyway. :)

28-02-08, 08:29
hiya i am really panicky at the momemt i have take the kids to svhool and i am bricking it about getting in the car i feel like an alein who has just arrived on the planet...just thought i would tell you that to know you are not alone keep your chin up love faith xx

28-02-08, 09:43
hiya I have just come in from taking my daughter to school, I woke up at 5am this am and spent 3 hours just lying there panicking, but yesterday I managed to collect my daughter in the afternoon walk a mile to the shops, do some shopping and came home felt panicky but positive last night, however went to bed and first thing this morning it kicks off again, does anyone else seem to notice that it is worse in the mornings and gets better as the day goes on I just had to email you to let you know you are not alone

28-02-08, 14:19
Hello All,

Thank you for replying...I'm currently at work panicking...even though I've been fine all morning!! Well apart from my 5am blip!! It does help to know that I'm not on my own...just wish they would stop!!

It's also nice (although I realise it's not for us going through it, so REASSURING...to know that people also get panicky abotu driving...I know it's not neccessarily about the process of driving...but panicking in the morning makes me worry I'll have an attack at the wheel!

URGH, hey ho!

28-02-08, 14:23
These feelings can often come out of nowhere. I got my first panic attack when I was 12 and just watching the telly. Can you not get checked on the NHS. These issues are common and you should get help.
The best of luck in finding what is wrong anyway. :)

Hello, the reason i dont want to go through NHS is I dont want them thinking Im wasting their time and money....I'd rather pay... :) xx

28-02-08, 14:53
Hi Panicsalot.

Sorry to hear about the blip this morning. The mornings are always the worst for many people because you are aware of the whole day stretching out ahead of you. You worry about how you are going to cope and all the what happens ifs come flooding into your mind. I get that sinking feeling alot in the mornings. I read somewhere that the best thing you can do is get out of bed as soon as you wake up. Don't lie there trying to get back to sleep or letting yourself think. I also found planning the night before what I was going to do the next day even if it was having a shower helped. You often find the feelings get better during the day because you feel that you have got through something.

I hope this helps. Will chat again later as I have to go and collect the little one from school in a min. This is a big thing every day for me but I'm feeling so much better at the moment and I am managing quite well.

How did the date go the other night?