View Full Version : general anxiety

15-03-05, 10:50
thanks for replys from my last post guys
i woke up with that funny feeling again this morning, and now i feel dizzy again, i am a bit worried my throat infection will come back because i had to stop the anti bs after 3 days, i was told it could come back nastier than when i first had it by my freind.
should i have got some different ones to carry on with[?]
luv sue:(

15-03-05, 11:01
hi Sue,

It could be that you woke up not feeling too well because that's what you expected to happen. The mind often does that to us!! All you can do is try to stay positive and hope for the best.

Sarah :D

15-03-05, 11:02
Sorry to hear you arent feeling too good again. It doesnt necessarily mean the throat infection will come back or that it will be worse hence if it does. I would suggest if it starts to get sore go straight back to your doctors and they will be able to give you other medication.

You could just be feeling dizzy due to your anxiety today and the worry about your throat.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

15-03-05, 11:08
Hi sue. Dont worry what your friends say you will only make yourself Ill with wory.I am sure it will not return worst than the first time. If You are worried pop back to GP and ask them or you could even phone the NHS line on 0845 4647. They are very helpful and will help you. Goof Luck. Vernon

15-03-05, 11:19
thanks guys,
life sure is a bitch for us aint it, worry, worry,worry!!!

luv sue

15-03-05, 11:20
Sure is Sue

You take care of yourself and try not to worry about your throat.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

15-03-05, 11:25
thanks sal
il try not to worry
luv sue

15-03-05, 13:43
Hi Sue, sorry to hear you are feeling so ill again, I know how you feel as I have had shingles for the last 10 days and it has set be back to square one.

Hope you feel better soon
Take care
Love Lisaxx

11-10-07, 01:32
Hi all, for the past two years ive been getting raelly bad anxiety attacks, i have all the symptoms, cnt breathe, tight chest, sweaty palms, heart beat going so fast that it feels its going to explode, ,hid it from my friends and family, but the past two months its got so much worse,when im out of my comfort zone which is home they seem to start all the time, ive not been able to go on holiday for two years because of this and i cant take it no more. i know its time to admit i have a problem and go to the doctors,just scared it could be something worser than i thought, i used to be such a confident lad but its eating me away, i dnt know what to do???