View Full Version : Acceptance at last!

28-02-08, 11:54
Hi Guys

Ive posted many irrational posts over the past few months thinking i have something serious or that i dont believe i am suffering anxiety!

Anyway ive had prob the worst week ever but im hoping now i realise it is anxiety and not all the other things ive managed to convince myself i have. My week started with a few hypoglycemic attacks with dizzyness and culminated in a sudden electric shock in my jaw which made my head jold very agressively. I honestly believed on Tuesday i had had a seizure and i was going to die the doc even came to see me at home i was in such a state. I have to say up to this point the docs have been useless putting me on mirtazapine which has had no effect and never explained anything to me.

I woke up wednesday and pulled myself together and thought enough is enough i need to find out whats happening so i googled!!!! i have to say on this occasion i was a bit more knowledgeable about what was happening to me but didnt understand. it seems i am suffering a rarer symptom of anxiety in that my hormones controlling my endocrine system (liver) are being released in different amounts causing me the foul taste in mouth sudden blood sugar loss, dizzyness etc. I have had all of this confirmed this morning by a psycologist who i have been seeing privately to help and i feel im ready to give anxiety the respect it needs and not think i cant be suffering from it.

Ive had a further attack since getting nhome this morning and instead of panic i sat relaxed and breathed controlled and it worked, i still had the taste and weakness as the hormones had been released but i didnt go into panic!

im seeing the doc this afternoon ref my meds and want to go on something that will help control these hormone problems (any suggestions?)

I just wanted to say that if anyone is reading this who is at their witts end like i was 3 days ago believing its not anxiety and you are going to die dont make a decision to find out whats happening read about your symptoms on this site and other sites about what anxiety can do to you and most important write a list of every symptom you have ever had and look at them you will see that there is no ilness around that can cause as many different symptoms as anxiety.

Im now starting the hard bit in getting better but i feel safe now and hopefully with some good meds, CBT, Yoga and the all important breathing exercises i can conquer this and be the husband and father i was 6 months ago.

28-02-08, 12:06
hi jon

this is such a good post in many way .

what you have sead makes so much sense .i had never looked into what it dose to hormones ect
i hope now you just get better and better with your anx and take all the help that is offered to you

jodie xxx:hugs:

28-02-08, 12:21
Hi Jon,

This is a great post.
Never forget your acceptance buys you freedom to treat your condition.
Do not have a guilt trip over percieved wrongs as a husband or father.The bottom line is that you are a sick person trying to get well Not a bad person trying to get good.
Our families are much more inclined to be understanding and supportive when they see us working to resolve our problems.
Best wishes with your continued recovery,

28-02-08, 14:03
I too have been on mirtazapine for 3 years - i have been having attacks very simular to yours and every single day has been pure worry about what i may have have not got and could possibly have in the future !! ( currently i have appendicitus you see lol) This post is very inspiring - is there a name for this type of anxiety ? the felings you have described match mine exactly !!! Would love to know some more further information.

28-02-08, 15:48
Hi Jon,
I have been suffering similiar symptoms for years and always found it hard to believe it was anxiety but after reading your post i am really interested to find out more about the hormones, i know they can be responsible for our moods but i never connected them with the physical symptoms.

Pink Panic
28-02-08, 16:04
Hi Jon,

I'd also like to say what a great post and that i hope you will share some more with us soon.

Best wishes in your recovery. :hugs:
