View Full Version : Been doctors - she asked me about a black scab in ear?

28-02-08, 13:10
Hi all,

I went to see a doctor today, who was very nice and diagnosed an ear and throat infection but as she was looking into my ear, she asked if I new that I had a black scab in there?

Obviously I said no and she said I would like to see me in 7 days time to see if it goes etc, routine?

It has left me in a right mess.

Can you get cancer of the ear?


28-02-08, 16:06
Hi Red.

I'm sorry your doctor has made you anxious. They don't really need to say a lot to get us going do they. I suppose skin cancer is possible anywhere where there is skin. But this is far more likely to be as a result of your ear infection. I know the next 7 days will be difficult but try not to poke around and give it a chance to heal.

28-02-08, 16:33
My doctor notised one in my ear not so long ago but I knew Id had a boil there and told him it was nothing but he looked concerned ,lol. Some how i reassured him it was fine (its usually the other way round).

I expect you have had a boil and havent known it , but do go back to the gp.


28-02-08, 18:08
I'm wondering why does she want me to go back and why did she not do something about it then?


28-02-08, 18:17
Well I imagine she wants to check that it is healing As it is inside the ear she may think it is causing the ear infection. Also because it is in a warm place which doesn't have the same amount of air circulating around it like a finger would then it may take longer to heal and if it hasn't gone in 7 days then she may need to prescribe some cream or pills. The reason she hasn't given you anything today is probably because she expects it to heal up without any help but she just wants to make sure. It's her job!

28-02-08, 18:25

28-02-08, 19:00
Hi all,

I have just phoned the doctor and she said the following:

She thinks at the bottom of her heart that it could be a large blackhead as there are other black heads all round it but it is dark in colour, which is why she wants another look to cross the t's and dot the i's etc that it is not serious, something beginning with M she said.


28-02-08, 21:48
well done red for phoning the doc. She really is the best one to put your mind at rest. Hope you are feeling better about it now.

29-02-08, 15:21

Not sure, today has been a blur and I guess the weekend will be as well, with all I'm thinking about is this black thing in my ear.

It is as if I have put my life on hold until next Wednesday.


01-03-08, 12:37

Does anybody out there know much about blackheads?

Without looking on google (would add to current anxiety), I'm curious to how big blackheads can be as I assumed they were very small, size of a pinhead etc.

I have asked a few members of the family and they say they can be big etc.


01-03-08, 22:34
yeah they can get quite big especially in the ear where they go unnoticed. Basically a blackhead is dirt that has got trapped in a pore. Some pores are bigger than others, over time the pore gets bigger and can accomodate more dirt. Sometimes it gets infected and a spot forms and bursts other times it just sits there growing. My son is very prone to blackheads in his ears. He has large pores both there and around his nose. I often check his ears for him and they have been about the size of a small mole. (not the little furry creatures that live underground of course) I mean the freckle type!!! Try and stop worrying easier said than done but I'm sure everything is ok

01-03-08, 22:55
from Blossom, I read your message about the black spot in your ear, well, I have had a bad ear wth two scabs on it, one came off, I have been given 2 lots of antibiotice, and its still there.The rim of my ear is very red, and went to doctors, as itspainful to lie on my right side, which I am having to do because I broke my shoulderin October last and it never healedproperly. I have been worried, so rang another GP at the surgery, and he told me, if it was a viral infection, antibiotics would not help it.Its been about 2 months, I usually wear my earings to bed, ad I think being as they were creole earings the prong of the earing dug in it whilst I was asleep, , however I always have slept in my earings, so why now, I dont know.I amworried myself love about my ear, like you I am worried about it. from Blossom

03-03-08, 01:17
I also had a scab in my ear a couple years back, If you have been using Q-Tips or etc.. or sticking anything in your ear then don't.. That's how I got it, by cutting the inside of my ear.. I'm guessing its really sensitive.

My cousin has really big blackheads in his ear and around it.. They are HUGE. like a centimeter big.