View Full Version : Catastrophising

28-02-08, 13:45
I seem to have a major problem in that I Catastrophise (the always looking negatively into the future, worst case scenario – ‘what if, ect’).

Does anyone else have issues with this?

I just wondered if anyone has any tips on ways of dealing with this?

Pink Panic
28-02-08, 14:00
Me. me, me ...... I have a massive problem with this too.

I find that i have to continually challenge my thoughts and try to bring them back to the positive ..... hard work but it does help. Writing down the positive outcomes as well as the worst really does help put things into perspective.


28-02-08, 14:19
Hi Jase,

Your question has been perfectly answered by Pink.
Some years ago,my GP told me the difference between my outlook on life and his-I'm a glass half-empty person whilst he is a glass half-full.
He was and is right,though now to a lesser degree.
I have changed by constantly challenging the negative thinking-including writing it all down and working through it.
This exercise provides good distraction and works in the long run.It is not a quick-fix solution.Given time and effort on your part,you will notice a difference and develop an ability to cut most of this off at its inception,before it drags you down.
Best wishes,

28-02-08, 14:34
That makes total sense, I think that writing down the objective point of view will help.

I think the difficultly for myself, is that I find that the anxious, catastrophising part of me always seems stronger (and always has a counter thought for the realistic point of view).

Pink Panic
28-02-08, 16:28
Hi again,

I really shocked myself this week when i realised how far one of my thoughts had gone! :ohmy:

My partner always rings me at 7 every morning when he's Offshore mainly to check i'm ok and also to see that i'm up to get the wee girl off to school. One morning this week he was late calling and i was thinking right .... he's ill, he's had an accident, there's been a disaster on his rig and he's dead!!! I then thought .... what the F are you thinking like this for woman, the man is prob just held up??? ...... and he was as he called 5 mins later. This particulat incident showed me that although i'm dealing with trying to turn my thinking around i still have lots to work on. It slaso made me realise just how scarey our thoughts can be if we leave them unchecked.


04-03-08, 23:44
Hi everyone,

Yes I have probs with catastrophising, it was pointed out to me when I started CBT a couple of years ago. I have done it for years, and dont just worry about the worst scenario's but feel I have to be prepared for them somehow.

Its a terrible affliction!!!

If only you could flick an on/off switch eh?

good luck with solving your perilous thoughts

Take care

05-03-08, 09:23
I get this too and half the time I find my catastrophic thoughts have consumed me before I realise what is happening!

I am starting to pick up on this now and can stop it by bringing myself back to the here and now and telling myself I cannot predict the future.

Jo xxxxx

05-03-08, 09:52
This is part of my problem too,...

It's because there has been some really unfortunate freak accidents that have happened to family and friends, it's made my anxiety sky high. I feel petrified that something terrible may happen to my children or partner.

Life can sometimes be extremely tough, but I try my hardest to live each day as though it was my last, and to keep my children as happy as can be.

05-03-08, 10:58
Life can be very scary, and bad things do happen. But I think must people have a "it will never happen to me" attitude towards life. It's sort of fooling yourself, but we fool ourselves all the time, mostly in a negative way.