View Full Version : Dull aches/pains - getting worried

28-02-08, 16:45
Hi there

I am hoping someone will be able to reassure me.

I have not posted on here for a while as I have been trying to 'accept' that what I am suffering from is anxiety, but I have been popping on every day.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I have been getting random aches and pains around my body for the last couple of days which has sent my panic into a downward spiral.

They are a weird sensation - a strange dull ache in random places. Like today, I got one in the side of my neck, then about an hour later it was in my left thigh, then in my head, then just before it felt like it was in my eye. It feels like it is the size of a 2p and just feels really strange. Like a sharp dull pain that last for about 2-5 minutes.

Any ideas before I send myself crazy. Blood clots, bone cancer fears are taking over at the minute.

Hope someone can help.

28-02-08, 16:48
Hi Ann,anxiety affects us in lots of ways.When we get so stressed and tense we get these aches and pains.Im sure thats what it is sweety.
Iv been stressed today and my neck aches my back and shoulders,and my tummy.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

28-02-08, 16:53
Thanks Ellen for your quick reply.

The pains feel very different to the usual tension I feel around my body - which is why it has got me so worried.

28-02-08, 18:40
Part of recovery is acceptance that symptoms will continue even after you have accepted. Aches and pains are common to everyone..the body experiences even more under stress. When we experience anxiety many times we focus inward too much and we escalate the pain and the symptom more than we should. It's almost automatic..anxiety is supposed to get our attention. Best thing to do when you feel the pain is remind yourself its anxiety and continue on with the pain. When I first tried this it was a lot of work..i had to continually do it..but eventually we retrain our brain now aches and pains still happen..but they aren't signifcant and over time they have started to disappear.

Sad thing is we do the exact opposite of what we are supposed to do when we have anxiety and wish it would go away...instead we should focus on wishing they do come so that we can continue to practice our recovery strategies. I know I sound crazy..and I know its hard at first..but if you do it nonstop for a month..your symptoms will begin to mean less to you.