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View Full Version : diazepam - advice please

28-02-08, 20:11
Hi folks,

I have already been posting about my fears of flying, I have done it a few times before, but my claustraphobia and panics have got worse, anyhow I have a trip with work to Paris in just over a week and Im terrified about the plane.

I have spoke to the doctor and I have been prescribed diazepam, he also advised me to try one first before I go, however it seems silly but I am worried about taken one, I am always quite wary of medication however my problem is that its bad enough having to worry about the panicking on the plane and will I just make matters worse with also having to worry about the effect the medication is having on me???? But then I think that if its going to help even slightly then its worth the worry as I find it a tiring emotional nightmare on the plane. But then I think I need a total clear head to cope.

I know its a muscle relaxant and anxiety reducer however can anyone else tell me anymore about it and how they have found it?

Thanks everyone,

Shaz x:doh:

Pink Panic
28-02-08, 20:25
Hi Shaz,

I have taken diazepam and they certainly relaxed me. Like you i worry about taking medication after having some bad reactions to tablets but i was fine and i'm sure you will be too.

A friend of mine took 4 at once on a flight to India and said she knew nothing till she got there as she slept through it all and it was great! I know the Doc would never advise taking that many and personally i'd be too scared to but nothing bad happened to her.


28-02-08, 21:14
Hi shaz,
My daughter suffers from chronic claustrophobia, cant normally use a lift, but she takes diaz when she has to fly anywhere, she thinks it's wonderful.
I was diagnosed withanxiety disorder about six months ago brought on by stress at work ,I've been trying to avoid meds until now and have just started taking diaz, 3mg daily and it's certainly helping me get back on track, no side effects just feel nice and relaxed.
They can be very addictive so just be careful about taking them for more than 4 to 6 weeks.
Enjoy the flight.

28-02-08, 22:14
Hi Shaz,

As doc advised best to try one on land first.You will know how it affects you.You should be fine though.

bet x

29-02-08, 02:13
I took diazapan to fly to italy on my own and its fine - i was worried about the side effects too so i took a half tablet the night before to try it and felt nothing! So i took a whole one the next day for the flight and it was fine, i didn't really feel too much effect because its such a small dose it just made me a bit more relaxed and i felt calmer! I always have them in my bag just in case and i have flown since without taking them - just knowing they are there if i need helps! Also i found some great advice on here about other ways to help with the flying. The essentials for me when flying are -

diazapan in my bag
some lucazade tablets to give me a bit of sugar if i need - (pa's and stress can be very draining) or cereal bar
suduko or puzzle book for distraction
ipod with some relaxing music on it
and a carrier bag incase i feel sick - i never have been but its reasurance!
also some pain killers as i can get tension headaches which can also bring on a pa!

Other advice if you are travelling alone is to sit near the back so you are close to the toilets and the cabin staff and if you feel really bad you can always tell them to keep an eye on you - they must come across people who dont like flying all the time and they will know how to deal with it

I'm sure you will be fine and just think how great you will feel when you have done it! i cried when i touched down in italy because i was so proud of myself! I hope it goes well try not to think of it too much i know much easier said than done! and try a tab the night before it will prob help you sleep better too!

29-02-08, 05:23
You are going to be fine ,just take one , i used to take 5mg yab, now i find i do,nt need them at all, have a good trip and do,nt worry, this is,nt helping you, x:hugs:

29-02-08, 12:01
hi we booked a holiday to lanzerote for november i dont like flying but i thought i cud do it for the kids . i was ok until about 2 weeks before then it stared i got so scared cryed all the time felt sick an trembled had to keep coming home from work it was awful . i struggled on until the day before an then i knew i couldnt do it but i had 4 excited kids how could i lrt them down ! partner made me go to doctors and she perscribed diazapam one for there an one for back . it was so close i didnt have time to test them so i had no idea how i would react .anyway i got to airport absolutley terrified but i didnt want to take meds cos i thought they might make me worse . my partner was angry with me because i in such a state but wouldnt take meds how i got on the plane i dont no but bi did i was such a mess an frightening the kids so i thought things couldnt be any worse an took the diazapam an guess wot nothing happened i didnt feel drunk i didnt feel high i didnt feel sleepy it just somehow took the edge off i slowly relaxed an actually quite enjoyed it ! ! i got off the other end and didnt panic in the ques yet i didnt feel different i cud just cope . im affaid coming home i was stupid an thought i cud cope without having the meds but i was wrong felt like i going to faint at airport so partner made me have it an again it got me through was a bad landing but i coped . so yes i would highly recomend diazapam for flying it takes the edge off . to be honest i went docs with bad anx over xmas an he gave me some more but i have never dare take any ! ! scared of getting addicted but if i had to fly again i would deffenatley take one . hope that helps enjoy your trip xxxxxxxxxxx

29-02-08, 12:48
Hi Shaz,

You have already been given some great advice.
I just want to wish you "Bon voyage".
Hope you have a fantastic time in Paris-it's a beautiful city.
Best wishes,

29-02-08, 17:13
I am taking diazepam (2mg) and citalopram at the moment and the diazepam is brilliant for removing anxiety symptoms (according to the dr it is the best thing out for anxiety). Not had any side effects at all but as another poster said they are addictive so go easy. (I am going to worry about that another time)

29-02-08, 19:34
Hi Ive posted many times on here regarding flying, I hate every thing about it, the only thing that makes me do it is the thought of my yearly dose of guaranteed sunshine.
Anyway I get 5 valium each 2mg prescribed, at first I was also scared so made sure I took a dose in the day after telling my friend about it and to call 999 if I collapsed!!
I was fine, just felt calmer, not dopey, but just calm, I now have it every time I go, dont even have to visit dr, just ring and request it, I am glad of the 5 as lately each time ive gone Ive had long delays, so as one wears off I take another one, never needed more than the 5 so go for it, youll be fine and so glad you did.
Enjoy the trip, xxx

02-03-08, 21:14
Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for all the replies, infact Im reading all these posts tonight and feel abit choked as I realise there are so many people that feel the same as I do.

Im sure its 5mg of diazepam, however I am going to have a trial run sometime this week when hubbys around (!!!!).

You are all giving me faith in myself that I CAN do this flight and I will eventaully make Canada to see my sister!!!!!!! ( however my cbt counsellor says I havent to think about that as Im putting to much pressure on myself and I should take one step at a time which is soooo true).

Thanks again everyone and I will let you know how I get on.

Shaz x x