View Full Version : How do you know if you are ready?

Pink Panic
28-02-08, 20:15

28-02-08, 20:45
honestly, I think you should think about what you would be losing if you stayed at home.

you will feel bad about yourself for not pushing yourself to confront your fears, and why let the panic win??

don't get me wrong, I understand completely where you are coming from, but this is your life and you only get one chance at it, so take control (or at least try LOL) and don't be beaten by panic or anxiety.

I am saying this because in the last couple of days I have forced myself to confront the very things that would have sent me into a spiral of panic ordinarily and the fear got licked!!! I feel better about myself, and while I shall still feel anxious about confronting those things again, I think sometimes you need to push yourself to face up to the very things that challenge you or resign yourself to living a life dominated by fear and anxiety... how much fun would that be!!!!

that's my tuppence worth for what it's worth

be strong and go with your intuition at your own pace xxxxxxxxxx

28-02-08, 20:57
Hiya Pink

Im sure if you go it will give you such a confidence boost, you where so good to me when i first went away on the caravan holiday by texting me,you have been so good to me, i was so apprehensive about going as it was the first time i had stayed away from home for many years, but it really gave me the boost and confidence i needed and have had quite a few trips away since then with no problems. Im sure if you go it will do you the world of good, and please text me or phone me if you need to chat while your there.:) If you have lost my number please pm me and i will give you it again.

Good luck on what ever you decide to do:hugs:

Love and hugs
:hugs: :hugs:

28-02-08, 21:24
hello pink panic.

Lately I have found that I am able to live with my anxiety/panic/agoraphobia by simply accepting it is there and letting it come with me if it wants to. This may sound simplistic but it is almost as if I am treating it like an aquaintance that keeps tagging along with me. I'm not very keen about spending time in its company and it can be such a nuisance when it wants attention but if I let it have its say then I can get to do lots of things that I haven't done for years. Before I used to go anywhere I used to say what if I panic what if I'm scared and panic used to be grinning from ear to ear saying you know I'm going to get you nah nah nah. Now it comes along but I'm seriously fed up with its behaviour and I sort of treat it a bit like a naughty child.

I hope this doesn't sound mad what I'm trying to say in this roundabout way is try not to think all those negative what if's. Just do what you want and go on this trip. If you do have a bit of a panic at any time then you will deal with it at the time. Try not to get overtired whilst away and if you need a breather during any of the evening social events you can always return to your room for a break. Good luck.

29-02-08, 00:55
Hi Panic,

What if we never know if we are ready?
The fact is that you have an opportunity to take a break with a loved one in a nice place with good food,wine,a fancy room and plenty of distraction available.
Negative thinking will always be around but the positive can suppress it.
Have a wonderful time and hammer his credit card,lol.
You deserve this break.
Best wishes,

Pink Panic
29-02-08, 09:20
Thank you all for your lovely replies. :hugs:
You lot certainly talk a lot of sense. :yesyes:

Sulmare - Great advice and i will take control (or try too!) Lol

Andrea - You are so right it would give me a great boost. I can remember you on the caravan holiday and how at the time i thought how brave you were. Now i guess it's my turn! You have always been a great pal to me and i thank you for that. xxx

Sheba - Like you i'm also trying to live and accept the anx but it sure aint easy at times. I guess i need to go and try it out now away from my safe places.

Chalky - More good advice as per usual from you..... thank you. I'm always hammering his credit card so nothing new there :winks:

Thank you all again :hugs:

Love & Hugs

29-02-08, 19:08
Hi Pink,

I went to Edinburgh for a short break about 2 weeks ago and like you I was really nervous as I'd not been away for over a year. The anticipation was much worse than the actual break though and I found that the anxiety became less the longer I stayed. It was only for the first day that I felt quite rough but I lived to tell the tale lol! :D

I took my laptop with me and found I was able to get online which was a huge help to me. The other good thing is Edinburgh is really compact and full of character so you only have to go 5 minutes from your door to enjoy the city which is a good distraction. Do you know whereabouts in Edinburgh you would be staying?

I'm a great believer in taking little steps and only you know how you feel. Like you I had started eating out before I went on the trip and had overcome some other things too. It therefore felt logical that going away for a couple of days was a reasonable next step. I knew I was going to be nervous but I tried to accept that and think positively.

I wish you the best of luck regardless of what you decide.

Take care,

Mike :)

Pink Panic
29-02-08, 19:25
Hi Mike,

Thanks for taking the time to reply. So far i'm going..... i think! Lol.
We are staying at Melville Castle which is about 20 mins away from Edinburgh
I'm with you on the little steps theory and have been eating out and socialising for months now and managing to stave off the panic but actually staying away all night is a biggy.
I'm deffo taking my laptop as i'd be lost without it ..... how sad am i? lol
The other thing that i forgot to mention is that the Conference my partner is attending is a Medics Conference as he's a Medic and the others there will all be medics and doctors which should be ideal for an anx sufferer like me! Lol. I used to think that if i had a medic with me 24/7 then i would have no worries but i still have anx and i live with a Medic, my daughters a nurse and her partners a Doctor!

I'm so glad that you managed to enjoy your break as stories like yours give me encouragement that i can do it too. :hugs:
