View Full Version : Help please - lumps and bumps

28-02-08, 21:06
I went to the GP recently after finding a lump on my neck. That turned out to be nothing, but while I was there, she checked my armpit and said that one of my lymph nodes was swollen and to 'keep an eye on it' (I couldn't feel what she was feeling, despite her trying to show me).

Tonight, I've found a lump in my abdomen, on the left side, about three inches above my belly button. My stomach is also very swollen (although this is not a new thing, I have looked like I am nine months pregnant for about two years now).

I also get very tired, breathless a lot, just walking upstairs takes it out of me. I'm really worried that this is something sinister.

Is there a blood test you can have that tests for cancer?

28-02-08, 21:17
Hi Bellar,

I hate that - with health anx, once you get one thing checked somethin else crops up.

If you are worried go back to the docs for reassurance


Claire xxxxxx

28-02-08, 22:45
Has your Dr done the mot of blood test like full blood count, esr, ferritin levels etc recently that would rule out 99% of serious things. You sound as if you might be aneamic with the breathlessness but you may have already had that checked. Have you told the Dr about your pregnant looking stomach??? Again you may have already had this checked out.

To put your mind at rest if you haven't had the above checked then go back and ask for these things to be checked , a few blood tests can rule out so much worry.

15-03-08, 12:36
I've recently just been to the doctors in the last 2months as Ive started with all this anxiety...1st I thought I had a brain tumour which now I realise I dont.

The next think I thought I had was thyroid disease but the doctor did a full lot of blood tests checking everything ( blood count, thyroid, diabetes etc.)
and they all came back fine!!!

Then I came down with a cold just recently a lump has apeared on my neck left side and is only small which moves round and I straight away thought cancer, went to the doctors as i was worrying constenly about this and she said that its nothing to worry about its just a swollen lymph node....buttt.... im still convinced its cancer:(

15-03-08, 12:43
Hi Bellar,

The only way you will find re-assurance is to go your GP again and ask him to carry out a full MOT health check.If it helps,write down all the symptoms you are experiencing before you see him so you don't forget anything.I can certainly see symptoms of anxiety in your Post but I am no doctor.
Best wishes,