View Full Version : Back to it!

29-02-08, 00:39
Hi everybody, I'm Loobs, and very new to all this so please be nice to me! I just wish that I could say that I'm new to panic and depression though! I have suffered from anxiety for many years, it started when my son died from a cot death, I tried to carry on as normal, even when I was grieving really badly, but other people seemed to ask me so many questions that I wasn't able to answer. I felt it was safer to stay at home than go out and face people and when I did go out, as soon as I started to talk to people I would become so anxious and panicky I just wanted to run, it started to happen at the thought of going out of the front door alone. I went on to have a lovely little girl a year later, I was a total bag of nerves everytime she slept, I didn't get a full nights sleep for at least 2 years, as I worried about her constantly. But thankfully, she's grown up now and is Miss independant. At the time though, I was given lots of medication to help me to sleep, which didnt work, I developed full blown aggoraphobia, but managed to get by with the help of my friends and family. Just as I seemed to get some life back and start to face the world again, my dad, who I was very close to died of bladder cancer and not long after this, my mother took her life as she couldnt get over her grandsons or my dads death. So it was back to square one. I moved towns and found that I came to terms with lots of things, it took time, but with help from a CPN and new antidepressants, I started to get my confidence back, the CPN had me facing all my fears (quite cruel eh!) but it worked, I found that this along side cognegtigue (cant spell it!) thinking helped. That was 3 years ago and I got stronger and stronger. Then while I was working at my local school, I was assaulted by a pupil, I was so humiliated and confused, that happened 3 months ago and I've gone backwards since then, the old panics have returned and I'm afraid to go out of the house alone again. But I'm determined to conquer it if I can, because it felt so good to feel normal for that 3 years! I feel so much better now for getting that off me chest! Cheers! :shrug:

29-02-08, 00:42
Hi Loobs,

Welcome to the forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You have had such a lot to cope with.
You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

Pink Princess
29-02-08, 04:41
hey linda,

welcome to the site, im really sorry to hear about your losses you have been through such a lot. its good to know things got better for you and im sure with mroe time and a little support you will get there again. never stop fighting xxxx

29-02-08, 06:38
Hey Linda

Sorry to hear about what you've been through hun but you'll get lots of advice and support on here so keep posting :)

Jo xxxxx

29-02-08, 10:36
hiya loobs :welcome: to nmp. my you have had so much to cope with. i myself have had three family deaths in the last 2 years so i understand how very hard it can be. remember you beat this before so you are stronger than you think and you can do it again. you will get lots of support and make great friends here. i hope to talk to you in the chat room sometime. take care :hugs: :hugs:


29-02-08, 13:03
Hello Loobs And Welcome I Wish Ya Well Linda

29-02-08, 18:45
Hi Loobs and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm so sorry you've been through so much and am inspired by your strength and determination. I'm sure you'll overcome this nasty thing again and think you've every reason to feel anxious after what's happened.

Take care,

Mike :)

29-02-08, 18:58
hi loobs and welcome
debera:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

29-02-08, 22:39
Hi Loobs

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

29-02-08, 22:53
Hi Loobs, :D


I am sorry to hear what you have been through, my heart goes out to you hun, you have come to the right place, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you,



29-02-08, 23:53
Hello Loobs:welcome: to you!

Crikey what an awful time you've had:hugs:

You'll find loads of support, advice and helpful people here though.

Glad you joined us - pleased to meet you!


29-02-08, 23:54

Welcome to NMP, you will get loads of support here and make many friends also......Don't forget to visit the chatroom !!

01-03-08, 00:41
Hiya Loobs,

Welcome to the site, I hope you get all the support you need and that this is just a short-term blip. You have done so well.

Take care, and know that people are thinking and caring about you


02-03-08, 09:12
Hi Loobs,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

03-03-08, 10:02
:grouphug: Hi everybody, just to say 'Thank You' all so much for your warm welcome, it made me feel so good to know that there are so many lovely people out there that understand and are willing to offer support. I will try to keep in touch with you all and hopefully be able to offer you help and support and advice in anyway I can. Once again a big 'Thank You!' Take care, love Loobs xxx :yesyes:

03-03-08, 18:14

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx