View Full Version : dentist

15-03-05, 15:22
I had a appotment with a dentist this morning it was to get a tooth out as it has became infected and my mouth is swollen. I have had sever toothace for the past week so much that i cant eat nor sleep so i thought i would go to the dentist.

I dont like jags that much and when i got in there i lay on the chair and as soon as he opened my mouth i startred to shake and then i started to cry.

So the dentist says to me that he wouldnt take the tooth out as i was to nervous and scared so he gave me some antbotics which i hate taking.

I am sitting here the now with my mouth in agony i wont take a painkiller either and i dont know what to do, I want to get it taken out so i phoned back up the dentist who said that i could go tomorrow morning and get it done and my partner said he would come with me just to support me.

I do want to go but im so scared and i feel so stupid for being like this why after so many years of going to a dentist am i getting scared.

Just would like some advice on it.

15-03-05, 15:31
Hi Taylor

You are in good company...

Try this one :

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

15-03-05, 15:41
Hi there

I was always fine with the dentist until the last few months. I had to go and have a tooth filled in...as soon as id had the injection and gone downstairs I nearly passed out and was sick....they told me i could go back another day and have it done...but i knew i would only have to go thru that agin, so i just told them to get on withit,

Our mind does funny things! Ive never ever been scared of the dentist yet this time it was completly different...which again makes it all the worse next time i go.

Be strong. get your partner to go with you and just explain to them when you get there that you have been having panic attacks / suffering with anxiety.

I made my detist aware and they were so wonderful and caring.

Good luck...remember the sooner you go the better ... and less worrying in the future.

Let me know how you get on.

Tatty B xx

15-03-05, 16:24
I hate the dentist as well. I don't think I'm quite phobic but certainly have a great hate for treatment, I think it is the numbness that is the worst for me.

Try and relax tonight ( I know easier said than done)

Please try and not put off tomorrow as you know you will have to get the treatment done

Thinking of you - let us know how you get on


15-03-05, 16:34
Hi Taylor I know how u feel my bigest fear is dentist I have had toothach on and of for over a year now but cant get there. Last time I went for an extraction was about 18 months ago, I realy hate jabs so I asked dentist if he could use that gell they use on the gum to numb it before injecting. I know they use it my kids ask for it also read up on lots of sites about it. But when I asked my Dentist to use it he said We dont use that here anyway you are a man not a baby. I realy need to go but will find another Dentist first, and phone before I go and tell them I have a phobia and make sure they use that gell before i even make an appointment, I have never realy had any bad times at dentist so dont realy know why I panic so much. You could even take a vallium to calm you before you go? If u r not on them ask your gp just for the one and tell doctor u want it to calm u down as u r to scared of dentist. Take care. Vernon

15-03-05, 17:31
hi Taylor,

I think we all hate the dentist!! I know it sounds silly but all you can do is work yourself up to it and do your best. Once you have done it, you will be so proud of yourself and going next time won't be a problem..

Sarah :D

15-03-05, 17:51
Hi Taylor
I have a complete phobia with dentists and WON'T go unless i really have to. Which happened to me other week, i had an abscess come up and was in complete agony, suffered like it for a couple of days and like you couldn't sleep or do anything. Anyway i got there and she said she could either take it out there and then or give me antibiotics......the coward that i am i took the easy option and had the tablets. Even though i know i've got to have the extraction you won't get me there until my face swells up like a balloon again lol.
So i know how you're feeling and totally sympathise.
Take care

15-03-05, 18:12
I had an infected wisdom tooth about a year ago that I finally had to go to the dentist for. I begged them to take it out then and there so I would not have to come back. Another thing that helped me was to find out that the novocaine they were using was contributing to the problem and my dentist suggested something else that felt much better and the numbness wore off a lot quicker.

15-03-05, 18:33
hi, i dont have this problem as im fine with the dentist but just thought i would say..........ok your gonna feel really bad and its gonna be an hour of hell for you but after that you have no more being up all night with the pain or feeling like the pain is gonna send you mad

it will be well worth it let us know how you get on and good luck

fan x

16-03-05, 17:56
Hi guys tks for ur replys i was going to bk to the dentist today untill i woke up and my jaw has really swelled out i lookif someone has punched me so i phoned my dentist and he said this is normall with a infection and ive too keep taking the anitbotics three times a day and i have been.

The onlygood thing the now is i have no pain as my jaw is numb so im hoping the swelling will go down soon and then i will go and get the tooth taken out.

16-03-05, 18:11
lol isnt that always the case you resign yourself to the fact you gotta do something then it gets delayed

hope you soon feel better and let us know how you get on when you have been to the dentist

fan x