View Full Version : Bathroom anxiety

29-02-08, 07:23
Hi everyone,

I need some help. I am spending the weekend at my bf place. He lives with his parents and brother. His brother will have a friend over too and his parents have a guest as well. The house is not very large so it will be very crowded. This gives me some anxiety as it is, but the worst for me is the bathroom. I can't 'go' when people are nearby, but the house will be so full that I can't escape that. Do you know what I can say to myself to just let this anxiety go? I find it so embarrassing that people can hear what I'm doing in the bathroom. Help!:weep:

29-02-08, 07:55
Hi, a way around this is to flush the toilet as you go !! I do this when my kids have friends over and worry if they can here.

Just relax and have a great weekend.

Christine xx :flowers:

29-02-08, 09:00
Another way is to put the toilet roll down the toilet first. This blocks any sound.