View Full Version : Lovesickness

Piscian Daydreamer
29-02-08, 09:57
Oh god, it kills me to admit this but i'm in love, and all its doing is causing me pain.

Ive only recently met this girl and now we have started going out. She lives in the Lake District and i live in Birmingham.

We see each other every weekend but it doesnt seem enough.

Its my head, getting to me. During the week, i can't rest, constantly obsessing over her, thinking about her, checking my phone for texts. I've begin to hate work... its killing me, cannot concentrate on anything. I feel sick wandering what she is doing,.... scared sick that she's just going to end things.

Things are really complex because she is recovering from an eating disorder and still getting harrassed from an ex boyfriend, and, like me suffers from depression. In fact, she has been hospitalised lately... i have been totally there for her and she says she loves me, but i feel scared she is messed up and doesn't know what she wants.

I love this girl more than anything, lovesick. Feel ill when she is not around,,, just watching the clock tick by.

My anxiety is huge.

What shall i do people?? Ive never been so scared in my life. With this girl, its like i have won the lottery but i am too too scared i could lose her.... and it would destroy me.....


Please, comfort me?

Thanks :)

Pink Panic
29-02-08, 10:24
Hi Piscean Dreamer,

I think being in love does cause pain as stupid as that may sound as we all associate love with feeling great, flowers, and everything being sweetness and light but the reality is that love can be painful when people do have to be apart. It's totally normal to want to be with the one you love all of the time especially when the relationship is new.
I know i felt a bit insecure when my relationship was new and there were many what if's? but as the relationship progresses things do get easier as you gain trust in the other person. The possibility of getting hurt was also a big thing for me but as they say .... it's better to love and lose than never to love at all!

I really do think that things will settle down for you and you will feel more secure about things as time goes on. Best of luck with your new relationship. :hugs:


29-02-08, 13:17
Hi Piscian,

Congratulations on your relationship.
Try to focus more on the positive differences this girl is bringing to your life. This will take the emphasis off your worries.
Give your relationship time to flourish.
Plan your time together during the week to distract yourself.
Keep doing other tings that you enjoy to pass the time.
Best wishes,