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View Full Version : chatroom problem

29-02-08, 10:55
hi i've been on the chat room b4 but recently it wont let me on, i click the box to proceed to the chatroom and then it says dont close thisd window or you'll be disconnected from the chatroom and a little circle of triangles flash round like its loading but nothing happens:wacko:

29-02-08, 18:56
Hi Pinky,

Have you got Java and Flash installed?

Take care,

Mike :)

29-02-08, 19:05
Sounds like a java error.
I would go back to the java website and reinstall.

29-02-08, 19:13
i have the same problem, my java is upto date, this si what i get when i try to enter chat [not that they want me there!! lol]

Could not load config file:

at least i know it's at my end, i did delete jit debugger reg entries earlier hmmm

29-02-08, 19:41
working now, i just closed and opened internet explorer again, i think it was that, i also, ran g r f commands in the sun java consol, and cleared out my
temp internet files [not the cookies], just thought i'd let u know.