View Full Version : Rejection !

29-02-08, 12:48
I managed to attend an assessment the other day for a job that i had applied for, it took 2 hours and at times i found it tough, but although i was scared i went and felt quite pleased with myself, my family were amazed that i even went.
However i had a letter today to say that i had been unsuccessful, and although i had doubts about whether i could cope with the job i feel a real sense of rejection.
I do not even know if i would of accepted the position had i been offered it but at least i would of had the choice instead i am now questioning myself about why they dont want me, i thought i had done quite well.
Maybe they didnt like me, i try so hard to please people i am always polite and smile, but am quite reserved and tend to sit back and let others take over, its just not in my nature to be forward and loud and i feel i have suffered because of this as people tend to ignore me.
Anyway sorry for rambling i am just feeling down at the moment, i will keep looking for other jobs, but this has knocked my confidence and i didnt have much to start with.

29-02-08, 12:56
Job rejection can be maaaaany reasons,
Even if you did everything perfect and have all the stuff you need for the job, u can still be rejected. its nothing worth worrying over. alot of the time they have a big pile of people "acceptable" and just pick one at random.

just think of it as luck of the draw and move on to the next :)

29-02-08, 13:00
Hi Helenclaire,

I'm sorry to hear your news but well done for going through the process-next time,you will benefit from the experience of the assessment process.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Would a chat with Human Resources at this place,identify for you why you were not taken on?Ask them for feedback on your efforts.
Do not blame yourself or question your abilities-I know it's the natural thing to do but fight that.Move onwards and upwards.
Be proud of your commitment to working!
Best wishes,

29-02-08, 13:00
aaw, big ugs Helenclaire :hugs:

It really isn't rejection but I know how you feel.

My job's just been re-evaluated and I have to take a drastic pay cut or...well I'm not sure.:unsure:

You did do so well going and doing the assessment - and remember that getting a letter like you did is, sadly, the norm for many today.

Just remember that you have as much chance of getting a job as the next person - and there will always be a next time. Don't give up hope ok?

Hope you'll feel better soon

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


29-02-08, 13:25
Thanks for your replies,
It does say i can contact them if i want feed back about my assessment, but i am too nervous to do so, incase the reason is because i am too quiet and shy as this i feel has been my main problem through life and has kept me from doing many things, the thing is if that is the reason i will be reluctant to try for other jobs as i cannot do anything about it, i have tried to be more forward but just feel awkward and uncomfortable.
I want to work but i do not know what job would suit me as i have no skills and little confidence.
Anyway i will keep looking

29-02-08, 13:30
Hi Helenclaire,

Why not call into your local Jobcentre and see if they can get feedback on your behalf.They can then support and advise you on future applications.
Do not give up-think of the feelings you will have when you get your job!!
Best wishes,

29-02-08, 13:43
Helen, how bout working with animals?
only skills you need there is love and cleaning,
any job will help you gain confidence

29-02-08, 14:24
Thanks for the suggestions, i shall look into these, i would like to work with animals but there are limited places where i live, and i cannot travel very far due to agorophobia.
The job centre is a good idea but i would need my husband with me as it is too far away for me to go on my own. I may suggest it to him when he has a day off work.
Til then i will keep battling on, i am waiting for an appointment with the counsellor at the moment but i have been told i will have to wait weeks or months.

29-02-08, 14:29
Hi Helen.

Sorry to hear about your disappointment it is hard but don't let it put you off.

I want you to know that you are up there this week in my group of people who have done something amazing. If you read your post on the morning of your interview you were so scared and nearly pulled out. I was so impressed that you didn't. Really really impressed.

I think that if you are able you should get the feedback because even if it is difficult to come to terms with at least you would know and you will surprise yourself with how much you can do to overcome any problems. But remember this is just one companies opinion of you it doesn't mean they are right and it doesn't mean that in a different setting you wouldn't be more outgoing etc. Have you considered voluntary work while you are looking this might help with your confidence and self esteem.

29-02-08, 14:33
Hi Helen

Just wanted to add my little bit lol :)

I went for a job about 2 years back with the British Red Cross as I really wanted to work within a charity. The interview was quite gruelling but I came out thinking I'd made a good impression.

Anyway I got the letter saying I hadnt been successful and I felt quite low about it.

Then a week or so later, I saw a job with the NSPCC - and this was THE charity I had wanted to work for, for years as it had real personal significance for me. I went for the interview and got the job :D

So hun, I know it doesnt feel like it now, but things happen for a reason and even though you didnt get this job, when you get one, it will be one you really want I'm sure of it.

Jo xxxxx

29-02-08, 15:12

Alot of us have been rejected jobs! I sent application forms everywhere for a year and I got nothing, only rejections. It is a horrible feeling and can lower your self esteem.

If you are truely concerned then call the place you were interviewed and ask why you were turned down, you never know, they may say that if there is another place going then they may offer it to you.

Just keep trying and keep your head up. You attending the interview which is a great success in itself :D