View Full Version : Worried about my partner

29-02-08, 17:05
Hi.Im really worried about my partner.He gave up smoking months and months ago,and since then has been getting chest infections,colds,very crackly chest.He was treated with antibiotics and it cleared for a while.Now its back again.He went to the doctors yesterday,and he's one of these poeple who has to be really ill to go to the doctors,he hates it.They have put him on a short course of steroids and sent him for a chest xray.
I managed to go with him for that,:yesyes: he asked the nurse if it can pick up asthma on the xray,and she replied "no you have been sent to be checked for something more serious than asthma".This has now got him worried and me totally worried sick.:mad:

The doctor said he needs to be checked because he has been smoking for over 30 years,and over those years there could have been alot of damage done.It could be asthma but there not sure.He wants to see him back in 6 weeks.
We are supposed to be going away next friday and now we have that hanging over our heads.The results will be back they said in two weeks.

I am thinking allsorts now:weep: :weep: mind has been buzzing all day.:mad: Been together 25 years this year and he is my best friend and my rock,Im scared.:scared15: :scared15: :scared15:

When he was smoking he was never this ill,his immune system seems to be really low.He keeps getting mouth ulcers to.:weep: He makes out he is not worried but I know he is,that flippin nurse didnt help.:mad: :mad:
Sorry guys just need to let off some steam.

29-02-08, 17:13
Hey Ellen

I cannot believe the nurse said that, how insensitive and irresponsible :mad:

It does seem odd that since your husband stopped smoking, these symptoms appeared. I remember an ex boyfriend I was with had been smoking for about the same time as your husband, we both quit and he had the same sort of symptoms - colds, crackly chest, really bad cough.

I wouldnt like to guess what it is, I'm sure the doctors are just ruling things out. But from what my ex experienced, it seemed to be the body's way of getting rid of all the rubbish that had accumulated in his body after years of smoking. After 30 years there will probably be quite a build-up. Its probably just a precautionary thing more than anything hun.

I also got mouth ulcers when I quit a few months back hun - smoking decreases the circulation in the mouth so maybe the fact that blood is getting back into the gums/mouth causes the ulcers. I dont know, I never understood that, but mine went away.

I know its hard but try not to let this get you down, take this chance to go away and relax together.

Jo xxxxx

29-02-08, 18:01
Hi yorkie lover. I want to smack that nurse for you.

That was a ridiculus thing to say. Did you look on the xray form to see what the doc was looking for. I have just had a few chest xrays as I had a really bad infection. My doc just wrote down the symptoms I had eg persistent cough crackling etc. When the results came back the first time they showed infection with under inflation of the lung. I was already on steroids for something else so I was prescribed anti biotics it took 5 courses to clear the infection.

If the doc doesn't want to see him for 6 weeks there is no way he is expecting it to be cancer. When you give up smoking it can cause a temporary asthma and this is usually treated with steroids. This sounds very likely in your partners case. The steroids will ease the inflamation and give the lungs a chance to heal and clean themselves hence the need to wait a while before the doc reassesses your partner. The results may well be back after a week mine were even though they said 2 weeks so it might be worth phoning before then. If you are really worried you could always phone the doc and explain what the nurse said and how worried you are. I'm sure he would quickly put your mind at ease. Hope this helps.

29-02-08, 22:03
Hi Ellen:hugs:

I have tried to quit smoking several times and I was told that chestetc gets bad due to body ridding itself of the nasties:ohmy:

If they thought there was anything bad they would have him in hospital asap

Routine results always take a couple of weeks but if they find nasties you are called in straight away......I had a phone call at 10pm one night after a blood test earlier in the day telling me to go straight in now!!!

Im sure he will be fine

Try and relax and enjoy the break

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

29-02-08, 23:50
Thanx everyone.
I think it is the case that his body is trying to get rid of the rubbish.The same thing happend to my mum.They thought she had asthma,but it cleared up after many years of getting rid of all the rubbish.Cant help worrying though.Im sure its just routine.
Thats sweet Jo calling him my hubby,were not married,but after 25 years we should be!!!!!!!!:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

01-03-08, 00:32
Hi Ellen,

Do pray tell:- "Why were you not on bended knee asking for his hand in marriage today?"
Another opportunity spurned.
Several long term smokers that I know have all experienced similar symptoms after giving up.One guy in particular said that he had never felt worse.It took a few months for this to change.
I agree that a six week review shows that the Docs are not particularly worried.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
I hope this is resolved soon for you both.
Congratulations on 25 years.
best wishes,

01-03-08, 01:16
hi ellen
i am trying to quit smoking and have cut down alot. im down now to four a day now ended up with a cold at least i think that what it is. my chest has been all congested. its started to clear now and ifind it hard to breath. it was never like that before when i smoked alot. i asked the doc about that she said it was withdrawl and its the bodys way of getting rid of all the nicotine that has accumulated through the years of smoking. my husband is quiting with me and he has felt the same hun. try not to worry. your partner will be ok. i do think it just his body getting rid of all the toxins. i wish i never started smokeing:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
love debera

01-03-08, 03:17
Hello Ellen Like Others Have Said Takes Many Months To Get All Toxins Out From Ya Body Lungs Do Heal In Time He Could Have Asthma Thats Common For Smokers But That Nurse Had No Right There Just So Prejiduce Against Smokers And Think All Smokers Derserve What They Get Im Wishin You Both Well And Happy 25 Yrs To Ya Both And To 25 More.............linda

01-03-08, 08:48
Hi, chest x-rays can be looked at quite quickly and I am sure that if the radiographer was at all worried the results would be with your GP straightaway. I am not a proffessional I would like to add but just from past experience this has been the case.

Not easy to do but I think no news is good news, please try and relax enough to enjoy your holiday.

:hugs: Christine xx :flowers:

01-03-08, 09:01
Hi Ellen

As others have said it is routine to perform tests but if there was anything of concern your partner would have heard straight away.

Thinking of you :hugs: and I hope he feels better soon.

Karen xx

01-03-08, 09:46
Thats sweet Jo calling him my hubby,were not married,but after 25 years we should be!!!!!!!!:wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Sorry hun! Wrong of me to assume! But he practically is your hubby lol :roflmao:

I'm sure all will be ok hun :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

01-03-08, 17:58
Thanx everyone you have been so helpfull,what would I do without you all.
His chest is very bubbly,but he has slept better since being on the steroids.
O chalky you are funny,if I got on my knees Id never get up again.:roflmao:

03-03-08, 22:04
Partner went back to the doctors today,he saw a different one.They have put him on steroids for another two weeks but reduced the dose,and given him a different inhaler.He was laying carpets saturday and they think he breathed in alot of carpet dust which made his chest worse.:ohmy:

03-03-08, 22:58
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: ELLEN

The Devon air will do him good:yesyes:

Kaz x x x:hugs: