View Full Version : Do you find shopping stressful????

29-02-08, 17:53
Grrr Friday evening means one thing. My weekly run around Asda or Tesco. When I pull into the car park I can feel my temper rise and I've not even got out of the car. Then you get in and you just want to get in and out in super quick time, but you have these people who just seem to want to get in your way constantly, they block isles, they decide to have a conversation and hold everything up. Grrr by the time your finished you could happly punch a wall or something in anger,

Do you get this angry? I'm still bloody in a temper yet

29-02-08, 18:02
I don't find it stressful cos I don't do one big shop rather I go everyday for a few things :D


29-02-08, 18:03
Don't get angry just panicky. Have now resorted to internet shopping its the best thing I ever did. I find food shopping absolutely mindless. We basically get the same things every week. We now do much better things at the weekend.

Pink Panic
29-02-08, 18:07
Yes I get angry too and it's usually at those people who seem to wander around in a daze with all the time in the world or the person who takes an absolute age to put their damned shopping in the bags or the person who takes ages to pay whether it's card or cash! I could go on and on and end up sounding like some female Victor Meldrew ! :mad:
Don't these people know that we anx sufferers just want to go in, get our shopping preferably as quickly as poss and then pay and leave! I saw someone suggest on here somewhere that ther should be a till for anx sufferers and i'm totally in agreement for that.
By the way, this week i shopped online :)


29-02-08, 18:44
Ironically I got home and checked my email and there was an email from Tesco's offering me £10 of my first shop online, I think I will use that next week, shopping is just to draining, on a Friday evening anyway.

29-02-08, 19:05
Yep,hate it,too many people too close, .... the local Zombies standing in the Isle waiting for a brain transplant.:scared15:

29-02-08, 19:43
Lol Dave.

Well I am a self- confessed shopper (clothes and shoes though:D)

but.....tonight in M and S there was a complete idiot toff marching about yellin on his phone about some business deal. He irritated me sooo much I coulda slapped a lettuce in his face :mad: (I am usually fairly chilled)

I get to the till and this wally is in front of me still on phone and doesn't even acknowledge the woman on the till.

As he went she said to me was it her or was a complete idiot. I told her I coulda slapped him a few times over and we had a :roflmao:

Why??? if you are in a shop- shop :shrug: I don't get it lol

Claire xx

29-02-08, 20:28
Ironically I got home and checked my email and there was an email from Tesco's offering me £10 of my first shop online, I think I will use that next week, shopping is just to draining, on a Friday evening anyway.

I'd highly recommend buying online from Tesco. I started having my groceries delivered quite a number of years ago when Tesco first started offering this service and it's been great. There will be people out there who say they prefer to choose their own groceries but I find that when I'm in a rush and all anxious I just pick up the first thing to hand anyway, so in the long run I get a better selection of goods when I order online.

01-03-08, 13:39
:scared15: I suffer from social anxiety so haven't been shopping alone for a long time now. I go with my oh and our 3 kids every other weekend for a 'big' shop. We go very early before it starts getting busy but I still hate going and get very stressed.

01-03-08, 15:57
lolol - oh hell isnt it the worst !! i have just done tesco and i think every man and his dog was in there !! i mean why ? its mothers day but the shops arnt shut - its just another sunday and its not like you have to feed the five thousands - what was going on in there today !!! But yay i managed it wahooooo :)

01-03-08, 16:40
Hi, I agree with you 100%. Everytime I go to Tesco these days the place is busy, no matter what day or time, its an absolute nightmare. If these folks would stop blocking the aisles with their trolleys it wouldnt be so bad, its so noisy and the auto tills are very trying to say the least!!

01-03-08, 16:52
I always have my ipod on, that makes it less stressful for me. :) I always have it on now when I'm out by myself. :blush:

01-03-08, 17:24
I dont do big shops anymore but when I did, I used to make my list according to the order of which food I'd come to in the supermarket so I could be in and out of there within 30 minutes!

I do get irritated when people get in my way but that's because I want to leave so quickly.

Jo xxxxx

02-03-08, 01:22
Hi Sam
Don't feel too special mate.
All of us males feel the same about it!
Phill :shades:

02-03-08, 03:34
I get my partner to do the shopping. I cant go anymore. Too panicky.

02-03-08, 13:36
lol . I use tesco online and have been for a few years now.

Love Sandyjanexxx

02-03-08, 13:53
The very thought of going to Tesco's at a peak time is enough to send me running away.
Tesco online is actually quite reliable here so it's handy to use.
I tend not to do big shops so i avoid more hassle.
Best wishes,