View Full Version : painful back

29-02-08, 18:13

I've been having a bad time of lately with anxiety. I've experienced most symptoms over time, however, yesterday was a particularly stressful day at work - or rather, my anxiety was sky high, so it became a very stressful day!!!
I was aware that my back was very tense, but when i got home, i realised it was actually very sore all down the ribs and at the sides also. It dos'nt really hurt to breath, but is just like someones poured boiling water over my back.
Course, I got all panicky about it - is it my lungs etc (my worse fear is lung cancer).
Anyway, i took a couple of neurofen and a diazapan as i thought it might make me relax (dont normally take any meds for anxiety)
It was a little better this morning - but its flared up again tonight.
Has anyone else had this?????


29-02-08, 18:36
Hi Judi,

Do you stand or sit for long periods of time at your work? I find that i get a very sore back if i sit at my computer for long periods of time.


Pink Princess
29-02-08, 20:16

hey judi, hope things are a bit better now. sending you some gentle hugs hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxxx

01-03-08, 06:23
thx Lisa and Minnie xxxxxxxxx

Yes lisa, I was sat at a computor all day and I know that was probably what is was as I was very tense and stressed out all day. But, the way my minds working at the moment, I keep thinking what if?? what if?? what if??? - stupid is'nt it???!!!
I've had anxiety/pa's for many years now and have experienced most of the symptons - but when something else happens,its throws me into another downward spiral. A couple of weeks ago, I had that horrible throat thing - now thats gone and this has happened
I hate being like this - I just thank God I found this site and can talk to people who understand.

Judi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx