View Full Version : Mouth Cancer Fear

29-02-08, 20:22
Hey guys, I know I keep going on about it and I know its probably nothing but I just need some reassurance really, I now have a mouth ulcer on the inside of my cheek and its very sore, I have had it for three days now and im starting to freek out that I have mouth cancer. Is there any possible causes for mouth ulcers that aren’t serious? Or could it be serious?
Please Please reply
Luv Louise

29-02-08, 21:09
I'm sorry your getting upset Louise, I'm all panicky about tongue cancer/mouth cancer at the moment, so I know what your going through.
I honestly from the bottom of my heart think there's nothing to worry about. Mouth ulcers are very very common, my mother and sister both have one at the moment in fact! And they can take a few weeks to go down, so also having one for three days is again very normal.
Use some bonjela or TCP on it, and it should go away :)

29-02-08, 22:18
Hi Louise

So sorry you are worrying so much about your ulcer. My hubby has had mouth ulcers since he was 5 (now 43!) and some of them have been very big (about the size of a 1p) and have lasted a few weeks. His doctor said he might have a vitamin deficancy but we have noticed that he gets more of them if he eats anything like oranges, lemons etc.

Try not to worry - easier said than done I know but they are very common.

Thinking of you

Nikki x

01-03-08, 14:36
I get mouth ulcers all the time hunny!! Sometimes as many as 20 at one time and I also get geographic tongue. Mouth ulcers can last a while in your mouth. At the moment I have one on my lip that appeared 6 weeks ago and its taken 3 more weeks too heal. I've been the dentist and hes given me a mouth wash which has been great. I was panicking also that it was mouth cancer but he told me my ulcer had just been irritated by me poking at it with my tongue so is taking longer to heal.

You have to give a mouth ulcer about a month to heal before you go the dentist or dr.

I think there is nothing to worry about sweetie and I'm sure in a few days it would have started to clear up!

Po xxx

01-03-08, 16:04
mouth ulcers are also a sign of being "run down" i have them when im really really stressed out !! Also try a mouth wash that normally batters mine on the haed a little !! xxx