View Full Version : Quick question

01-03-08, 14:00

Does anyone know if I am allowed to mention another website??

I found a really good site last night, I have suffered from Health Anxiety for 9 years on and off and have every single anxiety symptom going and convinced all of them are a serious illness, I have MRI scans, xrays investigations and still didn't believe any dr when they told me I was fine. I have been suffering from "flu" like symptoms on and off for 9 months now, I was/am convinced I had some sort of cancer hodgkins etc and can't believe that anxiety can make me feel physically ill every day. I have had every blood test and check going and been assured by two different doctors that there is nothing wrong with me other than anxiety especially as I run 2 miles 3 times a week and when I am busy I don't notice the symptoms, I''ve now been referred for CBT, which I have had in the past and seemed to help.

Anyway back to my original point, this website I found lists all the symptoms and reasons why anxiety makes them happen I found it really interesting and reassuring (for how long is yet to be seen)

01-03-08, 18:37
If it's helpful I'm sure your allowed to mention it!