View Full Version : Panic attacks HELP!

01-03-08, 14:14
Hi All,

I am new to this site, but am finding it very helpfull. I have been having panic attacks since I was 20 and am now 28, they ave never been a majour problem as they only ever came at night. However a couple of weeks ago after a very stressfull 6 months, I was on the bus and had a huge attack, I recently lost my car licence, so this was new as i was stuck on the bus and could not get off, it ended up with me catiching the same bus home, to calm my self down a little.Since then I have only left the house twice and both times have had feelings of anxeity. So for the last 8 weeks i have not left the house at all, and have since become unemployed as a result. My partner is amazing and very understanding, but i dont want to live my life like this, i want to be able to go out again, however everytime i get ready to i have another attack. is anybody else going through this stiuation or got through it and can give me any tips on what to do, it would be great.

Thank you all!

bex :)

01-03-08, 16:34
Hello, From reading your post it seems you went out 2 weeks ago and not 8 weeks ago?? I think sometimes we just have to force ourselves to take the action of going out, once you get over that hurdle, you will find that you will feel better out than in and therefore will not feel such a prisoner in your own home, as the longer you are frightened to take that step, the worse it all gets. I can sympathise with your situation, ive been there.

01-03-08, 16:51
Hi Lucy

Thank you for your reply. No sorry i meant a couple of weeks ago as in 8. I know what you mean about the longer you leave it the worst it gets, which is I like to hear from people that have been through it, as it makes me feel like i am no longer Mad or alone! And inspires me to take that step. Thanks Again.


01-03-08, 17:26
Wow Bex, hang in there, stressful 6 months sounds tough and then the anxiety approaches... horrible.

01-03-08, 21:57
If I were you I would get a home visit from your GP who could maybe prescribe something to help you get out of the house and start building your life back up.
Take one step at atime. :hugs: