View Full Version : Do U Get More Anxious When Your Sick?

01-03-08, 14:27
My problems started about a month ago I had an accident and had to go to hospital, my anxiety sky rocketed, then the next week it was flu, my anxiety got even worse and depression came back, now its a tummy bug and I feel really really down:blush: Grrr

Do u get more anxious when your sick?

01-03-08, 15:50
Hi Sam the man.

Yes at the mo i have a really bad cold and yes my anxiety is sky high.

Love sandyjane xxx

01-03-08, 17:20
Hi Sam
Yes I definately get more anxiety when I am feeling ill, I think most people do really. You are not on your own.
love Mags xx

01-03-08, 17:57

Yes i get more anxious when I'm sick too......and then more sick because of the anxiety about being sick! :blush:

I think when we are anxious we are super sensitive anyway which hightens our symptoms when we are ill.

Hope you feel better soon!!
