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01-03-08, 20:17
hI my name is Shirl,I have only last week started these what I believe are PA'S,My Terrier Wolfie was attacked viciously by a pitbull & it was the most terrifying experience,only by the grace of 2 wonderful men who stopped to help, my dog is still alive & recovering.
I am finding it hard though as it is on my mind every waking hour,what if,what if I had not have gone that way,when I have to go out,as soon as I am out I feel tired,my legs go all hot & weak,I am looking around all the time,everytime I see dog,I want to go & warn the owner about pitbulls & when I see any type of bull terrior I go in to overdrive.
I have to say that I am a big animal lover,besides Wolfie I have 3 cats,I also dont blame these dogs as it the owners that get these dogs & have no control over them.
Just a bit about me,I am a twice divorced mother of 2,aged 64yrs & have always been a strong minded person,all ways made my own way in the world & took no crap from anyone,but since this incident I feel very small & inadaquate,feel like i want to hide from the world,luckily for me I still work so have to push myself to get out of bed,I will fight this tooth & nail & hoping i can get a few tips from anyone here how to get this strenght that I need that I am so lacking now
Thanks for letting me share this with you all love Shirl:hugs:

01-03-08, 20:57
Hi Shirl and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience, it certainly sounds like panic attacks to me. I hope you feel better soon and for tips you might like to look at the links on the left.

Take care,

Mike :)

01-03-08, 21:08
Hi Shirl

Firstly, a massive welcome to No More Panic-you will find loads of help, advice and similar stories to your own to re-assure you that your not alone.

Secondly, i own a staffordshire bull terrier. I have 2 children, girls aged 9 &10 and nearly every single person in my life has children who'm they bring around my house and interact with him.i have had dogs all of my life and my children have always been around dogs-all breeds including staffs, english bulls, german shepherds and rottweilers (as well as collies, retrievers, yorkies and boxers) my staff is called dave and he is just over 14 months and I can honestly say, with my hand on my heart that he is the most placid, dopey, stupid dog ive ever known. he is also the most loving, loyal and protective dog ive ever owned. i cant say to you that your fear of these dogs is irrational because everyone has their fears of different things, from spiders to flying, dogs to enclosed spaces, add to that you had actually have has an awful, terrifying experience and have an excellent reason to fear these dogs then i dont blame you for feeling the way you do about them, but i will agree with you that their behaiviour is determined by the owners.

I probably wont be able to make you feel any better toward these dogs-even though Dave isnt a pitbull, he is a bull terrier by breed. i also know a couple of people who DO have pitbulls, all of which have children in ther house arounbd them day and night and they are they most delightful dogs ever. hence it goes back to their upbringing. i know i'm harping on, but i dont want you to think ive latched onto the "dog" issue. i havent-i just want you to know that we all have our fears and we all have ways of dealing with them. the reason you are here is because you want to find YOUR way of dealing with yours, and I really hope that myself and others can help you find your way

if you feel up to it, please join into the chatroom-everyone in there is really freindly and we have such a laugh, which if nothing else takes your mind off this crappy feeling for a few hours-if not please feel free to pm me or my msn is lwilliams869@msn.com

much love

Lou xx

01-03-08, 22:58
Hi Shirl :D


I am soo sorry to hear what you and your dog have been through,:hugs: ohh hun, I do know a little of how you feel, my mother inlaw went through a similar thing, but she came off worst, will not go into that. She went through the same as you, BUT, doing well now and back walking her dog :yesyes:

Hun, because of what you have been through your flight, fight response has kicked in, you may not know it but your fueling your anxiety with your what ifs.. You have to help yourself and STOP the what ifs, past is past, there nothing you can do about the past, I know this can be dame hard but you must try, please be kind to yourself, try dame hard to stop the what ifs and focus more on what to do now, this helps us move on a little.

All what you think and feel right now is panic, anxiety related, but hun, you CAN get better ,with alot of hard work, time and support.

You have come to the right place, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.




01-03-08, 23:00
Hello Shirl:welcome: to you!

What a great fighting spirit you have there - and what a terrible thing to have experienced,.... your poor dog.

But you've come to the right place for help and support:hugs:

Pleased to meet you!


02-03-08, 09:16
Hi Shirl,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

02-03-08, 12:23
Hi Shirl,

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

02-03-08, 13:32
Hello Shirl And Welcome I Wish Ya Well Linda

02-03-08, 15:06
Hi Shirl,

Welcome to the Forum!!

:hugs: :yesyes: :hugs: :yesyes:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

02-03-08, 16:47
hiya shirl :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here. what a nasty experiance you and your poor dog had to suffer. i am also am animal lover and have 4 dogs and a cat ( oh and 4 rats ). i have 2 staffies and one is very dog aggressive as a result of two attacks he enjoured as a young dog. for that reason alone he is never allowed off a lead. yes so many ppl are iresponsable owners and should not be allowed to have these kind of dogs. but plz be assured that not all this kind of breed are like that, most are very loving dogs to ppl and other dogs. the chances of this happening again is
slim so plz try to enjoy your walks with your dog again.:) i understand your fear as i know the fear that went through me when mine was attack by a rottie i was terrified. i hope we are able to make you feel better about things and will give you all the help and support we can. there is a great chat room you can talk to us all in. take care shirl:hugs: :hugs:.

kellie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

03-03-08, 18:15
Hiya Shirl,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

03-03-08, 19:42

Welcome to NMP. you will get lots of advise and support here and make many friends along the way........Don't forget to visit the chatroom :hugs:

04-03-08, 12:00
Hi and a big warm welcome to NMP you will get loads of good advice here and make lots of friends in the process, hope to catch you some time in chat

Take Care

Emma xxxx

04-03-08, 19:12
Hi Shirl

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

04-03-08, 20:22
Hello! and a big :welcome: to the forum
