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01-03-08, 21:35
My other half is working nights again and Im workin myself up for a sleepless night. I cant stop it. Its driving me nuts.
Ive tried everything to get to sleep but I cant. :wacko:

01-03-08, 23:55
Hello kaz,

Well, I hope you're asleep and won't read this until the morning!:)

Praps you're trying too hard to 'get' to sleep?

Sleep needs to come naturally, and I know it won't come to me when I'm uptight and my mind is racing.

Warm bath, warm milk (not cocoa cuz it has caffeine in it!) soothing music or a light hearted tv prog, subdued lighting....all the usual things that should hopefully induce a feeling of relaxation and preparation for sleep.

And maybe a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow?

big hugs :hugs: :hugs:


02-03-08, 00:06
hi Kaz,

bach rescue sleep is a great help for sleep and its safe with meds

bet x

02-03-08, 00:06
hey hun,

how about reading?

i read every night to get me to sleep-just something light and easy going

probably not much use but hey ho lol

love lou xxxxx

02-03-08, 00:12
I have severe insomnia and have had for a while now, tried everythign, still love my relax music,,,Ive learnt to give up worrying about not sleeping, wasnt easy though, but by doing so, I feel so much better, infact i sleep better on many nights too, I dont lay awake thinking I have to sleep, I just lay awake and think this is normal for me, the next day I will think Im not tired,I had all the sleep I needed.
I recently had a friend to visit, she told me Id lost a lot of the lines from under my eyes, had a few less bags too,I think they were worry bags/lines, as sometimes Im not sleeping much more than 3 hours per night and work 14 hours twice a week, and 8hours for the other 3 days,, but Im not worrying, ever so often I go into "shattered mode"" and sleep for ages, hope this makes sense.

02-03-08, 03:25
I have been listening to my hypnotherapy cd most of the night but still haven't actually 'slept'. Im going to go back to bed and read for a while and hope I eventually nod off.....