View Full Version : Felling jittery and using alcohol

02-03-08, 00:58
Hi all,

I have had a jittery day today - looking for 'safe' people and feeling somewhat out of sorts. Now I know that if I get too tired or drink to much it feels worse however I have been drinking to much and staying up late simply because I have been feeling this way!:ohmy: Does that make sense? I often have a drink to relax on an evening when i get in from work but i could not honestly say it is not always one drink and I don't like going to bed to early incase I end up waking at silly o'clock! The outcome is - I have an uncomfortable day - I then need to chill so have a glass of wine or two....... end up going to bed later than I intended and fell worse for it the next day!:huh:

I know this is a cycle I just dont know how to break it? Any suggestions would be greatly appretiated!!


02-03-08, 07:20
Hi DeniseB,

I understand you completely regarding your drinking and the 'Merry go-round' you seem to be on.

I did exactly the same thing for well over five years. As soon as I walked in the door after work the first thing I'd do was rush straight to the fridge for a drink, and on the weekends I'd start usually around lunch time.

I would then continue drinking until I stumbled into bed at night.

My main reasons I drank everyday I think was:
1: To numb any unpleasant emotions I didn't want to deal with.
2: Drinking was always associated with friends and good times.
3: I didn't want to go to bed, because I knew the sooner I went to bed the sooner it would be tomorrow and I'd have to get up and go to work again.
4: My excuse to myself and others was - I'm only relaxing after a long hard day - I deserve a drink.

It wasn't until I'd quit one of the many jobs that I always seem to quit from (that's another story) and I was so broke and couldn't afford to buy booze that I was forced due to lack of finances to stop.

It was tough the first week or so without my best friend the 'drink', but I soon began to realize my anxiety and depression wasn't as severe, plus I was sleeping better and had more energy during the day.

I'd love to tell you by not drinking my Bipolar has been cured. I'm sorry I can't, but it is definitely not as bad as when I was drinking every day.

I'm also not going to say, I haven't slipped and not had a drink since, cause I have, but now whenever I do drink the horrid effects of the night before has stopped me from drinking 24/7.

You have to try and think of the reasons that you feel the need to drink everyday.

Truthfully, the only instant benefit of drinking alcohol is the effect on our brain by numbing our emotions. But the next day these same emotions are more severe than before. Hence the 'Merry -go-round'.

Has any distressing or traumatic event happened in your life that you haven't fully addressed or resolved?

If so, you can post on here and I'm sure there will be someone who has gone through something similar and maybe able to offer you some advise and support.


02-03-08, 10:24
Yup the best thing you can do is quit the alcohol, alcohol is a stimulant and is making your anxiety worse then it should be.

feelings are there for a reason, dont numb them with alcohol,
maybe try taking up a hobby, making somthing, drawing somthing?
this will keep your mind relaxed and busy.:)

02-03-08, 10:33
I was an alcoholic (not saying you are) for nearly five years whilst suffering from several anxiety conditions including agrophobia. Same story, drinking got rid of the problem but oh my god the next day, turn up the anx, it was horrendous. Didnt really realise it was the alcohol doing it or wouldnt ever admit it was making it worse. However, my partner said to me one day it's me or the drink and I stopped dead just like that. There was never an option to cut down, I dont do cutting down, I just had to stop. The first week was the worst but the difference in my anxiety levels was fantastic. Dont know if i was so consumed with the fact i couldnt drink and that took my mind of the anx or what. Anyway 8 years later I have not touched a drop, i have a little girl and life is wonderful. Best advice I can give, just stop now!!!!!! x x x

02-03-08, 16:34
I hate the jittery feeling i get this often. Too much tea or coffee makes mine worse as well.

Tips for dealing with this would be;
-control your breathing
-drink alot of water
-get rest if you can
-take a multi-vitamin
-ignore your symptoms and let them pass

There are a couple off the top of my head.. good luck.. :)

19-03-08, 01:07
I been dealing with Panic Disorder for years....and it got 4000% worst last september....and since then, i have no choice but to have a drink to kill my panic attack.....i haven't found anything else that worked well or quickly....ativan is not very good....clonazapam takes too long.....i rely on the drink....i'm hate it but the benzos don't work...and the cipralex is not doing a good job...30 mg of that....i wish i had another alternative....i can't find one.....i need help