View Full Version : A tricky one

Pink Panic
02-03-08, 14:09

Hope 2
02-03-08, 14:57
Hiya Pink :D

Not really my thing giving advice :blush: .
But here goes .....

Basically I feel that you have nothing to worry about . Given that I have worked for the NHS in the past for quite some time, I would like to offer you the following ...
Your CPN will have a professional duty to maintain your confidentiality at all times hun. Maybe you could tell her about your concerns , re. the ma - in - law situation . I am sure she will reassure you that it makes no difference to your care xx

When I was seeing my CPN , I was aware that she had or was seeing people I knew very well and I got kinda paranoid . In the end I told her and she just said 'So What !!' and I was like oh ok lol . And felt better immeadiately for telling her .
Cos it made no difference whatsoever cos of the confidential relationship we had as patient / carer kinda thing .

Feel free to ignore the above :unsure:
Hope u get sorted asap

Hope xx

02-03-08, 15:04
Hi Pink,

Your CPN will be bound by a professional code of confidentiality.
Your CPN seems delighted with the care being affforded to the Uncle.Although your MIL is moaning,she probably derives great pleasure from this job!
Have a quiet word with your CPN and I am sure you will be re-assured by her commitment to your privacy and to the continued care of Uncle.Remember,the care Uncle is getting provides peace of mind to your CPN too.
There is no need for a conflict of interest to develop.
Best wishes,

02-03-08, 15:10
Hi hun

I'm not sure if this would create a conflict of interest.....maybe you should try and dig a bit deeper with your MIL and ask her "oh how's that man next door to you, how has he been getting on since coming out of the nursing home?" or something like that.

I dont know if it would compromise your relationship with your CPN -- if its not affecting your relationship with your CPN then maybe its ok?

I dont know if there anything legal though that needs to be considered? Sorry I cant be more help hun.

Jo xxxxx