View Full Version : Newbie palputations etc..

16-03-05, 12:44
Hi all,
nice to finally find some folk that seem to have simular symptons. it can be very scary not knowing if you are the only person on the planet with these odd symptoms.
I seem and have been told to suffer from anxiety, it just kind of happened one day about a year ago and ive never been the same since. I continually went to the doctors complaining of palputations and weird taping in my ear.He sent me for loads of tests and everything came back normal.i ended up seeing a counceller some time ago which helped alot, but 8 months on and im back to having these scary thoughts that im going to have a heart attack and die. I'm a very happy sort of person and enjoy life. But palputations can get me in a right state ..i will start to check my heart rate and it just spirals out of control from there ..i get really dizzy (but never pass out) in fact I had a bad palputation about an hour ago and this is why i find myself here searching for an answer or just some people to listen and listen too.I am getting married at the weekend this may be why im having the palputations again, but i worry that they must be very unhealthy to have or are they quit common and nothiung to worry about i also seem to have them when i have trapped wind..any comments welcomed

16-03-05, 12:53
hi welcome to the forum im sure you will find we can help share most of the symptoms and problems you have it does help to know your not alone with this and im sure we can answer any questions you have or if you read the other postings you will find lots of others going through the same stuff

fan x

16-03-05, 12:57
hello Pip,

Welcome to the site!! :) Loads of us suffer from palpitations. I used to get them quite often but not too badly and mine just went away so I'm sure someone else can offer you some good advice.

Sarah :D

16-03-05, 13:00
Thanks Fan,
I have had a look around and you are right it seems i'm not alone it's a nightmare that we ll have to suffer like this. I can be leading such a normal life for months then all of a sudden bang i'm checking my pulse and worrying i'm going to die.Why oh why does it happen and why did it start.My worst fear is that the doctors telling me im fine and the counciller saying its anxiety are all wrong and I really do have a heart problem..Arrhghghg im going crazy

16-03-05, 13:01
Cheers Sarah

16-03-05, 13:04
lol your not gonna go crazy and im sure that what the doc says is spot on you do have anxiety and they wont have missed anything

just stick around we will help get you through this

fan x

16-03-05, 13:09
i feel better already you people are cool.

16-03-05, 13:09
Hi Pip and welcome to the site, yes palpitations and lots and lots of other symptoms are so common and so scary. I have suffered now for about 40 years of what I know of but remember being a nervous child to. I haven’t suffered all that time; mind you I have had many good years between and really had quite a good life. I was ok for about 10 to 12 years before this time it returned about 15 months ago when I stopped drinking after close to 40 years of heavy daily drinking. So yes it seems to pop up when a big event (or a big event to us anxiety sufferers) is coming up. If I knew years ago what I know now I am sure I wouldn’t be suffering as much as I am now, as instead of facing my problems (which I am trying to do now) I took a drink to hide the anxiety every time it came, then ended addicted to the alcohol as well as having anxiety. Do you use Relaxation? This together with positive affirmations regularly, even when you feel ok is very good together with slow deep breathing. There is lots of Information on this site to especially the first steps. I also found a book called Essential Help For the Nerves by Clare Weeks really helped me. I read a little each night before I go to sleep and it has made a big difference. This book is only about £7 99 on Amazon and most booksellers and is a good Investment. Congratulations and good luck on your wedding day, I am sure this is adding to your anxiety too. I hope this is of some help to you and take care. Vernon

16-03-05, 13:25
Hi Pip,

Firstly congratulations on your upcoming wedding !! Have a great day.

You might want to start by reading the symptoms page and the home pages.

Palpitations are one of the most common symptoms out and its easy to get scared of them.
However, they are harmless and you will not faint or die and should someone have a heart atack palpitations are not part of the typical process.

palpatations (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2284)

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

16-03-05, 13:35
Hi Pip

Welcome to the site,


16-03-05, 15:31
Hi Pip,
Congratulations on your wedding - it will be fab - I love a wedding, do let us know all the details. Anyone would be nervous before such a big event, (even those people who don't suffer from anxiety etc.) it's just we seem to notice every little change to our bodies so much more than others. I would honestly be re-assured that the doctors have missed nothing - that is there job - I have suffered like this for 16 years and am still hear to tell the tale. keep in touch.

16-03-05, 15:39
Hi Pip
Welcome to the site, as you can see you're certainly not alone in all of this and that in itself helps doesn't it.
Good luck with the wedding and hope you both have a lovely day. I'm getting married at the end of May and i'm already stressing about it so I know how you feel and i'm still 10 weeks off. God knows what i'll be like a few days before lol. You'll have to give me some tips.
Take care

16-03-05, 19:39
Hi Pip,
Welcome to the site and congratulations.

Nothing much to add as everyone has said it all already, but just to let you know i totally identify with you too.

TRACY - Didn't realise you were about to get married. Congratulations!

Take care, both of you


16-03-05, 19:42

Welcome aboard and wishing you all the best of luck for the wedding. Are you all prepared and raring to go?

Hope we can offer you some support on here.


16-03-05, 20:39
Hi Pip

Welcome to the forum.

Best of luck for your wedding.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

17-03-05, 15:26
Hi Pip,

I am a new member too and the palpitations scared me to death! I thought I had a heart problem too until my doctor ran all the tests and they came back normal.

They have been much better lately, and I think the idea that I will not really die from them helps keep them at bay! It is scary though!!!!

Sometimes I do deep breathing or even try to hold my breath for a few seconds to slow them down. For me, they are worst at night when I'm trying to sleep.

Congratulations on your wedding day!!!!

17-03-05, 22:14
yeh nighttime is worst for me also just lay there sometimes cheking my puls..what a nutter.off now for a week or so for the wedding and honeymoon (spain private villa in the mountains of nerja) so im gonna chill out thankyou all for being so caring i cant begin to tell you how much this site and you guys mean to me..see ya soon.

17-03-05, 22:23
have a great time and see you soon let us know how it all went maybe even post the wedding pic lol:D

fan x

17-03-05, 22:28
cheers fan..I will do that..anyone elso want to see a handsome young man in a suit??? lol

17-03-05, 22:37
hey dont be saying stuff like that we will have you down burdocks virtual bar and have you booked as next weeks stripper :D

fan x

18-03-05, 11:59
Hi Pip, Welcome to the site, you will find lots of help and support here.I know how you feel about the palpitations, they are the scariest symptom for me. I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for nearly 5 years just after giving birth to my son and I was coinvinced I would have a heart attack or something, I had loads of tests, even saw a cardiologist last July who said I had nothing to worry about, but when the palpitations and missed beats rear there ugly head again I don't seem to be able to get it into my head that they will not harm me. I live with them on a daily basis and try to forget about them but it is very hard not to be concerned. Since finding this website, I realise that they are a very common symptom of anxiety and I know now that I am not alone which gives me some comfort.

Congratulations on your wedding - hope it goes well and hope you have a fantastic time in spain (you lucky thing)!!

Take care
Love Lisa

18-03-05, 15:20
Hi Pip.
You've chosen a cool website for PA.
They are so supportive and got so many answers.
I even found out some new things myself...after suffering for along time.
Good luck at your wedding. Enjoy the day it goes so quick.

with good wishes
