View Full Version : Vitamin B12 defficiency - Lightheaded etc..

02-03-08, 21:25
Hi All

I have been told today that B12 Deffieciency is very common and that for many reasons we could have it.

The symptoms are as follows:

Feel weak, tired, and lightheaded.
Have pale skin.
Have a sore, red tongue or bleeding gums.
Feel sick to your stomach and lose weight.
Have diarrhea or constipation.

If the level of vitamin B12 stays low for a long time, it can damage your nerve cells. If this happens, you may have:
Numbness or tingling in your fingers and toes.
A poor sense of balance.
Dementia, a loss of mental abilities.

I know many symptoms could be caused by anxiety and other conditions. The only symptom here that I dont have is feeling sick.

I will get checked out and report back.

Has anyone had this diagnosed?


02-03-08, 22:08
Hi there,

Mmm, yes I have heard of this,this is very rare, but for me, my symptoms are ALL anxiety related, when I was acute, I had my bloods cheked, all came back fine.

Here is a link, which explains it a lttle more


If you have not had your blood done, then its a must.

Please let us know, how you get on.



03-03-08, 09:53
I had this 20 years ago and had to have injections of B12 and folic acid tablets for awhile - I may add that it was purely diet induced in my case, as opposed to being pernicious anaemia where your body doesn't absorb it from your food for some reason.:shades:

Being the typical teenager I was at the time it was more about drinking and spending any money on clothes for the next night out, rather than bothering about eating healthy I'm ashamed to say!:blush:

Love Piglet :flowers:

03-03-08, 16:09
ive got vb12 deficiency i have injection 3 monthly and blood tests 6 monthly aswell as taking folic acid daily , i had one of them syptoms thats it what you have put i got checked cos of weight loss quickly a quick blood test will tell if youve got it or not

03-03-08, 20:57
I am 50 yrs old and have a B12 deficiency. I at one point had to inject myself daily with B12. Now I do it about once a week or more if I feel sluggish. I was also severely anemic about a 1 1/2 yrs ago and had to take liquid iron to get my iron levels normal again. They could never determine why my levels were so low but did state it was not due to my diet in my case. I am fine now but still have pale skin and get tired often. I do suggest you also see if you could have a thyroid issue when you get your blood drawn.

Anxiety does make you tired and can cause most all of the above symptoms; however, in some cases (as in mine) there could be other issues involved. As you see though, it can be managed with medication.

Good luck and let us know what happens with your bloodwork.



21-03-08, 17:24

Had the tests, all fine so no anemia etc...I suppose that means I have not found the reason why I feel like I do...back to the drawing board..
