View Full Version : Anxiety Symptoms

02-03-08, 23:18
Recently i have a lot of symptoms and i am just wondering whether they are all anxiety symptoms, my symptoms are:

Feeling tired all the time and have a constant lack of energy.
Weakness everywhere
Feeling faint/lightheaded
Feeling edgy and tense, i feel like i cannot relax at all
Restlessness, i keep getting urges to move
Constanly feeling like something is stuck in my throat
Feeling short of breath even though i look fine on the outside
I keep getting a weird feeling where it feels like something is in my mouth all the time, a feeling like someone has their hand in it or something like that, it's hard to explain.
My head keeps feeling like it is going to explode

I get the majority of these symptoms every hour that i am awake.

02-03-08, 23:25
Have you read the symptoms website page that may help?

02-03-08, 23:54
Also i forgot to mention that recently (over the past week or so) i have been feeling like "I wish i didn't have to keep feeling like this anymore" or "I wish i could just die now to ease my suffering from all these symptoms."

Now i wouldn't say i was suicidal, i would never want to take my life but i am just feeling recently that i wish these symptoms would go away because i have honestly never felt this bad in my entire life and it's so frustrating.

I just think now and again if i was not alive then i would no longer feel all these terrible symptoms.

02-03-08, 23:55
Have you read the symptoms website page that may help?

I'll take a look at them now, thanks.

03-03-08, 13:57
Today my symptoms are a lot worse...........

I feel very weak and faint, I've only been up for 3 hours and already i feel extremely tired, also i don't have any energy whatsoever.

I do think that there is something stuck in my throat, i have had this problem for 4 weeks and it seems to be getting worse, sometimes it feels like i can feel some phelgm/mucus there, i have asthma but i'm not sure whether mucus would keep getting stuck in the throat, it feels like i am choking alot of the time, sometimes it is worse at night, however i seem to be able to swallow food and drink ok, if something was stuck there i wouldn't be able to do this would i? sometimes it feels like someone has their fingers down my throat, i try and cough up what ever is there but nothing ever comes up, sometimes when i try and get it up it makes me feel as if i am going to be sick.

I keep getting nausea quite a lot of the time, one thing i am really worried about is that i am very tender around my left breast area, i've had this for around a week and it doesn't seem to go away, if i touch it, i find it very tender, if something leans into it, it also feels very tender and i just don't think it is right.

The constant weakness and tiredness is concerning me now, as it seems to be getting worse, the feeling of feeling faint/lightheaded doesn't seem to be easing either so i am eagerly awaiting my blood test results.

03-03-08, 14:41

wel i hope you dont mind me saying but from reading your thread today i realy do think this is down to anx all of your symptoms i have had and i have read that many others have had them to .
i know how hard it is to think it is somthing else or there is somthing realy wrong this time but just for a day or two try just to think ok this is my anx and it wont hurt or kill me see how you feel doing that ,try to take you mind away from thinking to much about how you feel and your symptoms ect .

jodie xx

03-03-08, 16:09

wel i hope you dont mind me saying but from reading your thread today i realy do think this is down to anx all of your symptoms i have had and i have read that many others have had them to .
i know how hard it is to think it is somthing else or there is somthing realy wrong this time but just for a day or two try just to think ok this is my anx and it wont hurt or kill me see how you feel doing that ,try to take you mind away from thinking to much about how you feel and your symptoms ect .

jodie xx

Hi Jode, These symptoms could be down to anxiety but they could be down to something else, i will just have to wait until i get the blood test results back on friday.

The thing that is constantly bugging me is the weird throat/mouth symptoms i keep getting, i know i had tonsillitis a few weeks ago and my tonsils are still large, however it constantly feels like someone is shoving their fingers down my throat, i feel like i am going to start choking any minute, also it feels like i am going to be sick any minute, it feels like my throat is just about to explode and my mouth feels funny as well, it does feel like there is something in my throat but i would like to know whether anxiety can cause all these throat feelings because i can't get away from them, i try not to think about it but somehow it makes me think about it because it feels so bad, it's driving me mad, sometimes it makes me think aaaaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!, It's like it make's me feel like jumping off a cliff or something, it's there 24/7 and it just never seem's to go away and the last day or so it feels worse and i just cannot cope with it for much longer.

I said to my doctor that maybe my Cipralex medication might not be working anymore, i presume that when i see my GP on friday if the blood test results are negative then the doctor will more than likely put my symptoms down to anxiety, if so i presume he will change my medication? i suppose he could increase my does back up to 10mg but i don't think that will make a difference, i suppose he could up them to 20mg or put me on something different.

04-03-08, 19:04
If you are only on 5mg of cipralex I would say that may not be strong enough to help with your anxiety symptoms. The usual dose for anxiety is 20mg so it may be worth discussing this with your GP. I have been on it twice now and have always found it good for my anxiety.

04-03-08, 23:21
How do you feel when you first wake in the morning? 9 times out of 10, when my symptoms are health anxiety related, i wake up with no symptoms at all, but they appear quite quickly afterwards. Just wondered. Because i have had times in the past (suffered with health anxiety on and off for about 15 yrs) when i have convinced myself i have a symptom, and its hung around for months! only for something to take my mind off it in the end, and then its gone!
C xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-03-08, 01:23
Thank you for your message.........to be honest i feel like crap as soon as i wake up :(

It makes me not look forward to the day ahead, i seem to have symptoms almost all the time.

05-03-08, 20:11
Hi! sorry to hear that things haven't been going so well. I hope this helps? Last thusday I had a really bad panic attack just as I started work and had to go home. Since then, I have spent most of the week with a painful knot in my stomach, pains in my chest most around my left breast and into my shoulder and neck. I have also been experiencing the same sensation of feeling that fingers are being stuck down my throat which has caused me to be sick several times throughout the day for the past week. For me these are typical symptoms when my anxiety levels have rocketed and I'm panicking. had a chat with my doc first thing and after being prescribed propranolol and diazepam thankfully I've not been sick since this morning. A feeling of nausea has continued on and off but it is starting to ease.
Hope that you feel less alone in experiencing your symtoms and I hope it gets better tomorrow. x