View Full Version : scared again

16-03-05, 13:52
hi guys
can somebody give me some advice please, as you know i had a throat infection last week, and i was put on anti bs, i had to stop them 3 days later,cause they upset my tummy, well the sore throat came back last night, so i rang to get a different sort, well the dr gave me clarithromycin which im supposed to be taking one tablet twice daily, i say supposed, because i read the side effects, and belive it or not these
tablets can cause your throat to swell among many other common side
effects, im to scared to take them now, do you think it will go on its own, or will my throat get a lot worse, my tummy was upset this morning and i got this[ feels like] a sticky film across my throat, it feels like my throat is going to close up, will my throat close up, and will it go on its own regards sue:(

16-03-05, 14:16
The thraot swelling on claithromycin is extremely extremely rare but they have to report everything.

If you have white spots in your throat you do need antibiotics and as the doctor gave you antibiotics he must think you need them .

If it's just red with careful self help it may go of its own accord. Lots of fluids, lots of antibacterial strepsils or similar, lots of gargling with Vernons top tip
*18 Soothe a sore throat. Put a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water. Gargle, then swallow. *

and looking after yourself in general

It will not close up .

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

16-03-05, 14:27
Hi Sue
Unfortunately all tablets have to have the side effects printed on the leaflet, but this doesn't mean you will get them. I'm sure the doctor wouldn't of put you on them if he thought they'd do more harm than good. Like Meg said the doctor obviously thought you needed them for the infection so try and relax and take them, you'll feel alot better in a couple of days than you would if you didn't have them.
Take care

16-03-05, 14:33
thanks meg,
on the leaflet it listed common, rare and very rare, the thing that worried me is the mouth and throat swelling is listed in the common side effects, i am allergic to penecillin, due to me swelling up, i know there not in the same group as penecillin, but it dosent stop me wondering weather it will happen again ive never had this particular anti b before, do you think i should take them regards sue

16-03-05, 14:46
hi meg me again
i forgot to add that i was on erythromycin before this one and it caused the bad tummy upset, as these two are in the same group, isnt there a chance of the same thing happening again, only worse [?]luv sue

16-03-05, 14:48
Hi Sue
I've just had a thought, to put your mind at rest could you ring the pharmacist at your local chemist and have a quick chat with him/her. They may be able to give you some advice. If not make another appointment with the doctor and tell him your worries.

16-03-05, 16:03
You sound so much like me!!!

I have a general fear of 'throat closing' although this forum and the people on it talk so much sense that I have managed to get over it (mostly)

Reading the side effects of tablets is always a bad thing to do and something I avoid at all costs (or I wouldn't take them).

Is there anyone home when you take them?? Just to put your mmind at ease

Once you have taken a few then you will be calmer - then you can add them to your 'things I was scred to do but done anyway' list

You will also know they are a 'safe' thing and have no fear when taking thme again

Let us know how u get on


16-03-05, 16:36
Hi. Gargling with warm water with lots of salt in is great for getting rid of the white spots in your throat. Just make sure you don't swallow it.
Having a word with your chemist is a great idea. He'll put your mind at rest.


16-03-05, 17:06
Hi Sue ,

The base of the med is of the same family as erythromycin so depending which bit of the compound upset you, yes there is a chance this might do the same - no reason to think it might be worse .

The upset tum is common but usually subsides by day 4. Beware of starting anbx and not finishing the course as thats how resistant bugs are grown.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

16-03-05, 18:17
thanks meg
i never just stopped taking them,i was told not to take anymore because the doc said it would prob get worse, i have been weary about taking any sort of medication since the penecillin made me swell 20 mins after taking the first one last year, it was my body that swelled, i think the same thing is going to happen again, the doc never examined my throat at all, we spoke on the telephone, i did have a few white specks on my throat but my daughter had the same thing, she was checked over by the triarge [excuse spelling] nurse,who said it was viral and hers went within 3 days, this time i havent got any white flecks but i had a funny tummy when i woke up this morning, im hoping it will settle on its own luv sue:)