View Full Version : Do you feel guilty/embarrassed about visiting the doctor?

03-03-08, 08:28
I ask as fellow HA suffers may appreciate my feelings.

I'm at the doctors this afternoon to discuss a couple of things which have been bothering me for a while and already I'm feeling embarrassed about going - purely for the fact that I visit quite a lot :blush: . I'm already thinking that when he starts his shift today, he'll checks his patient list and then sees my name and think "oh no, not her again". Even when I'm there and my name is called, I very gingerly open the door to his office - almost as if I shouldn't be there and I'm bothering him :weep:

I was only there last month and the visit before was November.

Does anyone have anything to say to me so that I don't feel bad/guilty about going? Also, is it ok to discuss a couple of things? I'm just worried that they will only have time to discuss one thing, I guess I could just talk quickly :D

03-03-08, 08:37
Hi Jenny

I feel exactly the same at my doctors. I feel as if I am a burden and feel that he isnt really listening to me because I suffer from anxiety/panic. I end up getting out of the room as soon as possible and apologising and then feel worse than ever as I havent said half the things that I wanted to say and feel guilty for wasting their time.

You are not alone.

03-03-08, 08:42
Hi Jenny

I end up getting out of the room as soon as possible and apologising and then feel worse than ever as I havent said half the things that I wanted to say and feel guilty for wasting their time.

that's exactly how I feel :weep:

03-03-08, 09:31
jenny plz dont feel embaressed or silly about seeing your doc. do you realy think you are his only patient who has anx/health anx. if you was that would be pretty amazing your doc probley has 50 on his list for all you know. doctors are there for this as much as any other illness and to reasure you.im sure all docs are quite used to ppl with health anx hun its part and parcel of there job. when something is over worrying you and you need reasurance thats what he is there for so go when you feel you need to ok . im sure this is your anx doing your thinking for you and not what your doc thinks at all so plz dont worry about it. it is after al his job and what he gets paid good money for. i hope this has made you feel a little better. take care jenny and pm any time you need to ok .

kellie.xxxxxxxxxxxxx ps i also have health anx.

03-03-08, 11:29
No, I keep telling myself that it is their job and thet is what they are trained to do and what we pay taxes for. I have always been pretty comfortable with dentists and doctors but maybe I am just lucky as my doc has been my doc since I was born

Please just try and think of it as a chat with someone rather than going to see a medical person

03-03-08, 11:43
Hello Jenny !
You shouldn't feel embarassed. Your Doctor will want to help and reasure you - no matter how often you visit. If you've got concerns your GP needs to know about them so that you can get them sorted. Take this opportunity to build an understanding relationship with your GP and explain that you get embarassed and that it is stopping you form getting the help you need. When you've talked this through you will get much more from your consultation and really get ALL your worries off your chest ! I write things down so I don't fluff what I want to say - once I was so nervous I just handed over my list ! It will keep you focused and you won't come away feeling it was a wasted opportunity.

Be kind to yourself

03-03-08, 12:08
Hello Jenny !
once I was so nervous I just handed over my list !

that's so sweet :noangel:

Thanks guys. you've all made me feel that I shouldnt be ashamed. I will explain that I've been putting off coming about these 2 things because of my embarrassment - cards of the table eh? :yesyes:

03-03-08, 12:39
Just want to say Jenny that I definately emphathize with you there. :hugs:

I have been seeing the Dr alot recently she actually isn't my Dr but I have started seeing her over B/P probs and she has been really understanding. So I have stuck with her so to speak!

Even though she is a really nice woman yet everytime I go like yourself I feel guilty and like I shouldn't be bothering her.:blush: Tis difficult hey.

I think alot of anxiety suffererers tend to feel alot of guilt over different things (Even though we have no need to!:lac: ) and that just feeds the anxiety!:ohmy:

Just have to practice saying It's my right I should NOT feel guilty there is NO need. Also I think if the worse came to the worst and she thought Oh no not that Pips again! A) You wouldn't know that she was thinking that and B) By the time she was on her next patient they probably would have completely forgotten.:shrug:

I know it's hard and I still have difficultly in convincing myself. You know what the say though Practice makes Perfect!:winks:

Good Luck.

Take Care,
Love Pip's X X X X

03-03-08, 12:42
Hi Guys,

Suffering in silence is sooo sommon amongst us!!
We are not stupid,worthless or undeserving of treatment.
Never forget we are sick people trying to get well NOT bad people trying to get good.
We are entitled to be listened to and to be cared for.
If we don't stand up for ourselves,who will?
Something your Doctor may learn from treating you,may help him treat countless others in a more positive way.
Cards on the table is in your interests and his.
Best wishes,

03-03-08, 12:57
Your deffinetly not alone.

I get embarrassed more from the girls behind the counter there, they know me by my first name, which is so embarrasing.

03-03-08, 13:08
I have hada this discussion with my Dr up front as I am there every few weeks, I do have quite a few non anxiety chronic illnesses which just makes my health anxiety so much worse!!

My Dr said that she doesn't think oh no not her again what she said was she gets frustrated that she can't help me with reassurance and she prefers me to be honest about what I am frightened something is, as she cannot mind read. She explained that the patient without health anxiety will state their symptoms and she will give her opinion, she said she wouldn't think to explain to someone why she didn't think they had cancer or whatever as most people would not have thought of that themselves and if she did explain why she didn't think it was cancer she would frighten them!! I hadn't thought of that one.

So she said if a patient after explaining their symptoms says I am frighened it is xxxxx then she will explain why she doens't agree with them.

Does anyone else find that they gabble at their dr with anxiety as well, giving them 101 different symptoms as fast as possible?????

03-03-08, 14:05
I felt the same as you and when I went again recently I made a joke of it with the Dr about him being fed up with seeing me again and he said to me not to be silly, that's what he's there for and not to sit at home worrying about anything.

It really helped me to relax with him actually because I said to him that I get in such a state about going, that I forget what I wanted to talk to him about or just say something cause I want to get out of there as quickly as possible! The Dr then told me that I should make a note, so next time I go and see him, we can work through the problems together.

Can't tell you how much better I feel about going to the doctors now after that, its much better and I don't feel pressured or hurried.

Sorry, Ive rambled abit, but hope it helps you. Good luck

03-03-08, 17:41
Well done Jenny - let us know how you get on.
be kind to yourself

03-03-08, 20:47

I went through a really bad phase of going to the doctors every week and using her as a crutch almost.

At the moment I am not to bad, but I always feel like I am a burden and overoreacting, sometimes when i look back at the things I have gone to the docs about I cringe, but thats hindsight for you I guess!!


03-03-08, 21:00
Oh I know just how u feel.

There was a time when I was in the docs all the time - felt really embarrassed and apologised profusely for wasting his time.
One day he said stay after I had been checked and said just wanted to chat see how life was going generally - told him about all sorts (things I dont even tell hubby) He said never be embarrassed or sorry for coming - he said thats the brave thing to do, cos if there was something wrong it would get sorted out quickly.

HA can be a pain in the bottom (or anywhere else I can think up a symptom :winks:) but best to get checked out I say


Claire xxxxxxx

03-03-08, 22:30
You all sound as though you have really nice friendly doctors. Mine is great when it comes to the 'real' health issues I have but hopless when it comes to anything that is anxiety related. He calls them luxury illnesses. Has anyone seen the programme House starring Hugh Laurie - well I think they modeled House on my doctor.

03-03-08, 23:32
I also know just how you feel, i too go the doctors alot with symptoms. I speak to him tell him what i think is wrong and then he checks me out and reasures me, talking to my doctor is just like talking to someone i know and he is very understanding.

04-03-08, 13:11
to be honest the way i see doctors is, they get paid anywhere from £80,000 to £110,000 per year.. they need us!!

i know i shouldn't think like that, but if i am not well or have concerns thats what they are there for, if they dont like it.. they shouldn't be doing that job.


Stu x