View Full Version : What's helped me and I hope it will help others!

03-03-08, 10:16
Hi everyone.

Sorry this is a long post. You may want to print it out!

Over the years I've been so bad with anxiety and panic it made my life almost not worth living, but I've come through it. Only two weeks ago I had a really bad time when I panicked just cos I was walking, but I was getting over a chest infection etc.

Anyway, I want to tell you all about the things I found out about my body and what has helped me.

1. Hypoglycaemia or Low Blood Sugar.

I don't know how many of you are aware of a condition called "Non Diabetic Hypoglycaemia"

Here are a few links...




As you can see the symptoms are the same as anxiety, sweating, shaking, trembling, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, unable to concentrate, feeling dizzy/drunk.

The reason for this is... When a person has a hypoglycaemic episode the body releases adrenalin to keep you conscious, and there's no need to tell an anxious person the effects adrenalin have on us.

A lot of these sites say you're not a true hypoglycaemic if you blood sugar doesn't drop below 3.5mmol/l. I have had readings of 2.8, 2.3 and my worst ever one was 1.8.

Anything below 4mmol/l and you are technically "hypo", but I find I'm at my most anxious around 4.1/4.2. I have also had hypo symptoms at 5.2, this is because my blood sugar rose rapidly then fell just as quick and it is that sudden drop that can make you feel bad even with a normal blood glucose reading.

Of course the only way you can take readings is to get a blood sugar meter. They are about £10 from a chemist, BUT the strips are £25 a box. You will get 10 test strips with the meter.

If you can afford it please don't buy anything other than an Accu-Chek meter as these are the most accurate. I had another meter given to me at my local hospital diabetes clinic and this was reading 1.5 higher than it should have - telling me I was OK when I wasn't.

Do you feel worse in the morning and wake up feeling anxious?
Feel anxious 45 mins to 2 hours after eating?
Have a sugary drink on an empty stomach and feel worse after the same time?
Suddenly feel anxious for no reason whatsoever - i.e. watching TV?

It could be low blood sugar!

2. Candida or Thrush

Purely by chance I was given a book about Candida and at the time I was exercising (I like body-building) and it said that exercise helps Candida and I had noticed that I had been feeling better.

I researched more into this and this also has an effect on the body.

Some more links for you....



When Candida gets out of control in me I get a bad burning sensation under my skin, which I can only describe as like putting a piece of raw steak onto a very hot frying pan.

Also my heart really thumps and pounds away as if it's coming out of my chest.

The answer - GARLIC!!! get some garlic pearls from Holland & Barratt.

They MUST be the smelly ones! - it's the Allicin (the stuff that makes garlic smell) that does all the good work.
You don't need the super strength ones, but if you're feeling rotten, take one and in about an hour you'll feel better.

Put it this way, and without a word of a lye, if I take Garlic it's like taking Valium, It chills me out something wicked!!!! I know it's totally weird - but it does!!

3. Water

Don't get dehydrated! I only found this out yesterday!



It was a few months ago I was feeling anxious one morning and by chance I was thristy, so I had a few glasses of water. about 30mins later I could feel the anxiety go, so I thought "aye aye"?

I haven't been too good recently with colds and infections, but after looking through things about dehydration I decided to drink and drink and drink yesterday. I didn't have too much otherwise you can make yourself ill by having too much water, but it is reckoned that the average person needs 2 litres of water a day.

I drank a lot of water and by the end of the day I felt relaxed. I shall drink more today!

4. Watch what you eat!

Monosodium Glutamate - E621 BAD, derived from yeast. I had a chinese meal once and it had that much in it I was feeling really bad and I mean bad. Generally anxious for days on end. One freind of mine said he had the same meal and thought he was going to die cos he woke up and couldn't breath, and he wasn't anxious he was a fireman!!!

Aspartame - Avoid it like the plague. Don't buy diet drinks or "No Added Sugar" drinks, they will almost certainly contain aspartame.

FATS - I find if I eat too much fatty food my heart will thump and make me feel weak

Bread - This is just personal to me, but I found out that when I ate bread of a morning I would feel like my lungs were being pushed up around my shoulders. I know, a weird way to describe it, but I've not touched proper bread for over 20 years now and can count one one hand the times I've felt like that since. Try Soda Bread (available from Asda or Tesco).

I don't know whether this has been any good to anyone, but if it's helped someone it's been worthwhile.

I always knew "something was doing this to me" and it wasn't "all in my mind".

Think about what I've written, listen to your body and notice when you're good and when you're bad and what you've eaten or done previously, even a few days previous. It's just like me with a moderately hot curry, two days later and I'm......... well I won't give you the details but you get the idea. So what you do even a few days before you get symptoms or just a few hours earlier can affect you.

Looking forward to hearing from you all to see if it's been of any help.

Please feel free to email me ste61 at hotmail dot co dot uk if you understand that!!!

Kindest regards


03-03-08, 14:02
Hi S Teve

Well Done Mate What A Brill Post,
I Have Just Had Blood Test And They Said It Was Normal, But Have To Go Back And Have Another Kidney Test Which Is A Gfr Test Because My Kidney Funtion Was Low, It Was 57% And A Normal Rate Is 90% Nurse Said Not To Worry, They Only Get Concerned If It Is 10% Or Lower. I Dont No If This Is Anything To Do With Panic, She Said If I Had Not Been Unwell Lately, Which Have Been Bad With Anxiety This Could Be Why! But I Wondered If It Could Be Other Way Round!! Who Nos. They Said My Sugar Level Was Normal For Diebetes, But What Do They Call Normal, I Have Alway Thought My Anxiety Has Something To Do With It, So I Think I Might Invest In One Of These Machines U Have Mentioned, Would Be Intrested To See Result.
With Many Thanks Steve
Hope Your Doing Well Now

03-03-08, 22:07
Thanks Steve. That is a very good post and you make some interesting points.
I think i will start keeping a diary of what im eating and drinking and see if there is any pattern.
Donna :yesyes:

03-03-08, 22:14
I'm glad you have found some reasons for your anxious feelings. I do think it is easy to blame anxiety when there is an underlying cause. Also that old saying 'You are what you eat' is so true.

04-03-08, 07:06
Of course I have to put in the usual disclaimer, that I'm just a "normal" Joe Public person and no doctor, so if you've got anything wrong with you go and see him.

BUT........ do watch out for things. Keep a diary, note when you're ill, but also when you're feeling good.

There's more to this anxiety lark than meets the eye.

I'm still chilled out and I'm keeping on drinking!!!!



04-03-08, 08:06
Hi, I do agree with this, I went to weight**tchers a few months ago and really felt a lot better changing my diet. But hey the usual thing happened and I didnt stick to it.

I decided last night to try again and so this post is great, because I do sometimes feel really anxious after eating, and the usual drinking coke and coffee.

I am going to do a diary........starting today, watch this space !!

Christine xx :flowers:

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04-03-08, 11:01
Don't you just have to laugh at some of these filters that try and get rid of rude words

Weight Watchers .......ht w a tac......


Anyway, you probably don't need me to tell you to keep off Coffee and Coke. If you do like coffee get decaffeinated, if you like Coke have it in moderation but please DON'T buy the sugar free or diet stuff, avoid Aspartame like the plague!!!!!

Note down what you eat and the time you have it, THEN note down the time you start to feel anxious or have other uncomfortable feelings. Do you ever feel so tired that no matter what you do you just can't keep your eyes open especially in the afternoon after lunch?

Get back to me and I'll see what I can do

04-03-08, 18:07
Cheers for all that info. I will have a go myself and see if it makes any difference.

14-03-08, 23:25
Great minds must think alike ;-) I came to the same conclusions myself this year. Here's the article I found that first opened my eyes to the possibility:

Though I've had a panic disordered mind for over 20 years, thing took a decidedly downward turn this year when other health issues kicked in (as a result I lost my job etc.) and what's left has been these really strange "flares" that come out of seemingly no where particularly when I eat.

I did the anti-candida thing years back for chronic fatigue symptoms and it was a big help. So I knew to go back to a strict four day rotation diet and cut out ALL refined sugars. That was three months ago. And while I think things have improved I still get the odd flare-outta-nowhere (which is keeping me from going anywhere!) So this week, as I came across the reactive hypglycemia stuff ... I decided to break down my food intake into more frequent smaller meals through out the day. I'm trying hard to make sure I get some protein in each portion (as a vegetarian it's way to easy to get a high glycemic load) and well ... we'll just have to see.

Has anyone else every heard about taking glycerine?

Good luck to all on your healing journey.

15-03-08, 12:15
Hi Steve,

I've been wondering for a while if I have Hypoglycaemia and I've found it helps if I have healthy snacks between meals. And also eating more in general, as with anxiety sometimes it affects my eating and I don't eat enough, so I find at the times when it's hardest I eat little bits and often which seems to help.

I also avoid aspartame.

My anxiety is also to do with thoughts etc, but I agree a healthy diet helps too.

Before I forget, when you mentioned having a chinese meal with Monosodium Glutamate in it, was that a ready meal?

Thanks for this info,
Heather :)

15-03-08, 12:29
Hi Steve,

Thanks for a very interesting,thought provoking post.
I live in the home of soda bread so can definitely recommend it:yesyes:

Best wishes,

17-03-08, 11:19
Hi Heather.

First of all, the chinese meal wasn't a ready one as you would buy in a supermarket and put in the microwave, it was from a takeaway shop. I still have chinese meals, but I go to a shop that I know is ok.

This anxiety thing is very complicated. It starts off with something physical, then when the docs cant' find anything they say it's your mind and you lose your confidence. Once that's gone, it's very difficult to get back.

Still keep plodding on everyone



18-03-08, 12:17
Thanks Steve,

Heather :)

18-03-08, 15:03
wow thanks for this, its really interesting to see what and how things can affect you.
Lex xx

25-03-08, 22:25
So here's my question .... How long does it take, once you make the dietary changes? I've been doing an anti-candida diet for 3 months and hypglycemic diet for two weeks. And it's hard to say it's working. Sometimes I think it is and it'll be a week without any body flaires, but then "out of the blue" and always after eating (like today after I had a salad with cheese and tortilla chips for lunch) I had this HUGE flaire -- for me that consists of energy surges in my body, lots of shaking (and belching, how odd) and of course the obligatory TERROR that seems to accompany. Oh lest I forget the HEAT ... the waves of heat are incredible.

I keep thinking I must be DOING something wrong.

Any thoughts?

27-03-08, 20:46
I totally agree about avoiding Aspartame, I check all the food labels of every thing I buy to avoid this at all costs. I'm not really to worried about the fat content of things, I noticed today I was looking for a water drink with a flavour and I found one, Normally they all have Aspartame in and I come home with plain water. I think some of the supermarkets are trying to stop putting this in there products.