View Full Version : What to do?

03-03-08, 11:16
I have been getting extremely worried about suffering a stroke or heartattack in the last while. I feel strange symptoms that are most likely brought on by my head. Such as numbness in the arm and twitching in my legs, I also suffer from weird headpains that I have had checked out and everything was fine. Most likely stress headaches. The worst thing is that i get so worked up over this fear of a serious stroke or heartattack that I feel if i keep getting this worried it will actually happen so there is no reasurance. On top of this I have a question, in CT scans of the brain do they see if any major arterys are getting clogged?

03-03-08, 11:34
JayJay !
what you describe is classic symptoms of anxiety. Have you got alot of stressful stuff going on at the moment ? As you've been checked out you can feel reassured. Its the fear of anything happening that is the problem for all of us.
I've been using EFT to bring down my anxiety and it seems to be working - its easy to learn and the web links below will show you how - its free and you can use it straight away for yourself. There are free videos to watch and coach you.

My understanding is that a CT scan is brilliant for showing everything in the brain - its the main diagnistic tool for neuro investigations.

www.emofree.com (http://www.emofree.com)
www.tapping.com (http://www.tapping.com)

Be kind to yourself

03-03-08, 13:21
Hi Jay,

If you were to ACCEPT that your symptoms are your anxiety in action then you could start to face and deal with it.
Challenge these thoughts as negative and hurtful to you.
Learn to distract yourself in more positive ways when they arise.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,