View Full Version : Please Help Me Figure Out Whats Wrong With Me

03-03-08, 13:06
I usually have health anxiety but what i'm having right now i'm not sure what it is! So i planned a trip to see my dad and some friends which is 800 miles away, just me and my two daughters, my husband was planning on staying home and working. I've never traveled without my husband before but when i started planning the trip i was ok but today i was supposed to leave and i woke up, stomach churning but i expected that, the next thing i didn't expect, within an hour of leaving i started crying and can't stop so i canceled my trip for now but i can't stop crying! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!? I thought cancelling the trip would fix everything,,,why didn't it? :weep: Help Please

03-03-08, 13:17
Hi Panic,

Anxiety creeps up on us like a thief in the night.
Why? Who knows.
I sometimes take personal inventory when it does:-
Am I eating,sleeping,getting proper fluids right?
What am I doing?-Am I charging around trying to be all things to all men?
Am I just having one of those days or do I need to step back and have some me time?
The fact that you are trying to work this out and are fighting hard shows what a great person you are.
Don't give up!!!
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

03-03-08, 13:35
crying is a release of tension - you had been sooooo tense working up to this trip.The trip started and the relief gave way to a flood of tears.
Then came the worry "i can't cope"? more tears. you cancel the trip bingo**** more tension you now feel guilty because you did not go.
I am only saying this because it happens to most anxious people.
When you sit back and think about what happend you will see where the tension built up and possibly be able to avoid it next time.
Hope you will feel better soon
best wishes

03-03-08, 21:01
Hi Panic,

Anxiety creeps up on us like a thief in the night.
Why? Who knows.
I sometimes take personal inventory when it does:-
Am I eating,sleeping,getting proper fluids right?
What am I doing?-Am I charging around trying to be all things to all men?
Am I just having one of those days or do I need to step back and have some me time?
The fact that you are trying to work this out and are fighting hard shows what a great person you are.
Don't give up!!!
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Best wishes,

:)Thank You so much:blush:

crying is a release of tension - you had been sooooo tense working up to this trip.The trip started and the relief gave way to a flood of tears.
Then came the worry "i can't cope"? more tears. you cancel the trip bingo**** more tension you now feel guilty because you did not go.
I am only saying this because it happens to most anxious people.
When you sit back and think about what happend you will see where the tension built up and possibly be able to avoid it next time.
Hope you will feel better soon
best wishes

You are SO right! Its almost as though you can read my mind:) I just wish i could figure out how to avoid this next time
Thank You:hugs:

03-03-08, 21:14
You know what I would do? I would plan a trip that would not be so far away. Perhaps a couple of hours away from home, sort of like a practice run. Then another trip a little bit further. Then perhaps an overnight trip far enough so that if you had to mind you, you could go back home. The most important thing is to not put pressure on yourself. You need to take baby steps and those will grow into bigger steps and soon you will be running. Most of all if you fall down do not blame or shame yourself. Just pick yourself back up and try again. We are all behind you cheering you on!!!

Love and hugs,


03-03-08, 21:38
You know what I would do? I would plan a trip that would not be so far away. Perhaps a couple of hours away from home, sort of like a practice run. Then another trip a little bit further. Then perhaps an overnight trip far enough so that if you had to mind you, you could go back home. The most important thing is to not put pressure on yourself. You need to take baby steps and those will grow into bigger steps and soon you will be running. Most of all if you fall down do not blame or shame yourself. Just pick yourself back up and try again. We are all behind you cheering you on!!!

Love and hugs,


Thats a Great Idea!
:hugs: Thank You! :hugs:
I'm So Glad I found Y'all!