View Full Version : throat clearing question

always scared
03-03-08, 14:18
I'm constantly clearing my throat.
For weeks now I've had phlem in my throat. Does anyone else have this??
I'm real worried that its coming from my lungs (LC worries http://anxietyzone.com/Smileys/default/sad.gif)
My nose is a bit stuffy and runny at times. I'm not sure if this is post nasal drip http://anxietyzone.com/Smileys/default/fragend005.gif
The more I worry about it and start thinking of LC I feel like I can't breath.

Could this be coming from my lungs??????? :(

03-03-08, 15:47
I also do the same thing and have alot of post nasal drip. When you have that it goes down the back of your throat making it feel thick. Coughing and clearing your throat is good for your lungs. Your throat will feel thick if you start to panic, it is a classic sign of an anxiety or panic attack. I know how you feel and it will pass. I hope this helps.

03-03-08, 17:38
Hello !

I'm assuming you've not had a recent chest infection or anything - if you have, then see your GP to get checked out. Anxiety can cause us lots of digestive problems (and I speak from experience here !) so maybe you're getting a bit of acid reflux - ask your pharmacist to recommend something and see if that stops the irritation.
Be kind to yourself

always scared
03-03-08, 21:00
Hello !

I'm assuming you've not had a recent chest infection or anything - if you have, then see your GP to get checked out. Anxiety can cause us lots of digestive problems (and I speak from experience here !) so maybe you're getting a bit of acid reflux - ask your pharmacist to recommend something and see if that stops the irritation.
Be kind to yourself

Thanks for your reply

No I have not had any infections or colds lately.
But I have been having a lot of digestive problems . I thought it might be acid reflux too BUT I don't have any heart burn!! So I thought it couldn't be that.
I do on the other hand have a lot of gas and pain in the stomach after eating and I also have pain between the shoulder blades when I have a lot of gas :(.
I also have that lump in my throat feeling too sometimes :(

04-03-08, 20:22
hiya always scared. when i read your post i thought i had wrote it in my sleep. i have everything you have been getting and had it for over a year now. i am always clearing my throat and getting very thick phlem. the lump in my throat feeling is there most of the time but i can have days when it dissapears. sometimes it jumps from side to side and my throat feels very tight at times and my swallowing can be a little difficult. my doc assures me this is all down to my health anx and is a very commen symptom of anxiety. plz feel free to pm me if you would like to. and plz try not to worry to much, i know thats easy to say as i still worry now about mine lol. take care and be kind to yourself.

kellie. xxxxxxxxxxxx

04-03-08, 21:14
I also have a throat clearing issues. Yes it can be a result of anxiety and habit forming. But I saw an ENT and I was diagnosed with an acid reflux disease called LPRD (Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease) Try pronouncing that! It is not unusual for LPRD sufferers to not experience heartburn. See an ENT. They will likely put you on some kind of acid control meds. Good luck. Here’s a link with info. There's alot of info out there.

