View Full Version : Please help need advice asap !!!!

03-03-08, 16:10
Please help me - i have been a bit tight chested all day but bout an hour or so ago i started getting the pains in my arm and wrist bak from the other day - i also had like a sharp stabbing pain that ran right across my chest into my left armpit now am breathing tight again and am really freakin out!! Please tell me its not my heart am feeling bit light headed too help wat should i do

03-03-08, 16:37
hi jeni im sire its not your heart i been feeling light headed , breathless etc all day im sure anxiety is making it worse its easier said than done to calm down but if you can try maybe that will help hope you feel better very soon xxxxx

03-03-08, 19:34
go to a&e to get it checked out, thats what their there for, sounds like its a panic attack.

03-03-08, 20:41
It really does sound like a panic attack. I have had sharp stabbing pains under my left breast and shooting pains up my arm. I am sure on one of the pages it is all fully explained as something to do with the nerves and also the muscles tighten up due to the anxiety and hence all the pain. As someone once said to me, distract yourself for 10 mins and then reassess the pain. If they go whilst you are distracted then it is anxiety.

03-03-08, 21:22
Hi Jeni
Little Time Since U Posted, Hope You Feeling Better Now Hon, Keep Us Posted
Take Care

04-03-08, 12:03
Okso this mornign wasnt much better so i been to the doc and wasnt convinced so i took myself to a & e !! i have had ecg and chest xray and blood pressure etc checked - all ok !! she thinks its the wall of my chest aching because i been coughing :S not so convinced its that but hey at least its nothing majorly serious - maybe now i will relax !!

05-03-08, 12:50
sorted jeni... take yourself comfort shopping and nip into costas while your there.
good luck, alan