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16-03-05, 14:38
Hi people,
This week i suffered the worst Panic attacks for over a year... i thought i was free, i'm not.
I want to stop shaking, and i dont want to cry anymore.

I hate knowing what it is, but STILL having little control. I'm running out of betablockers and GP has sent me for heart monitor due to uncontrolled palpatations...

SOMEONE please say it sounds familiar.

16-03-05, 14:44
Hi Glitter
Welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll find that it sounds oh so familiar to the majority of people on here. You said you thought you was free so its not been all bad for you. This is just a little set back but i'm sure with all the help and support from everyone here we can start to help you feel better again.
Take care

16-03-05, 14:58
Hi Glitter and welcome, Sorry you are feeling so bad right now, you was free of panic for a year and will be again - it is a blip or setback - you will be ok, your GP will be sending you for tests so that your mind will be put at rest, and yes Glitter, this is oh so familiar to me, has anything happened recently to upset you or those around you? keep in touch. I can promise you will stop shaking and the crying will stop, sometimes crying releases a lot of tension, i know it does with me anyway.

16-03-05, 15:07
Hi Glitter

Welcome to the site,


16-03-05, 16:11
Hi glitter and welcome. Like the rest said i think this is a setback. you must be getting better to feel good so long? Dont wory about one setback the worry will only make it worst? I too feel pretty good for weeks ten have a real hell week, but when i look back at one time there was no good days. so we are getting beter. take Care. Vernon

16-03-05, 16:11
thanx to all for prompt reply. Lucy, you KNOW exactly... i'm there. GP wants me off betablockers... i take it in 80mg normally, but 340 yesterday over about 5 hours... i thought my heart was stopping... weirdest feeling i'd ever had.
Yes the heart racing goes for no reason... usually as i lie down to sleep. But yesterday, yes a trigger was a tv programme and BANG!

How do you cope WITHOUT the meds if the Dr has taken them away??

I'm really scared about this.


16-03-05, 16:16
hi welcome to the forum

fan x

16-03-05, 16:34
Hi Glitter
Welcome to the board
I hope you find the site as helpful as I have.
Take care

16-03-05, 16:54
Glitter -

What was 340 please .

At least you knoew what the trigger was so you 'know' it is anxiety related .

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

16-03-05, 17:04
340 was mg of meds. I had to check up if i'd OD'd. but apparently not, well just.

I do know what the anxiety stems from, i've had PTSD for 6 years... and lots of treatment.

This is why i'm horrified that i cant control the panic. I know what it is, but i STILL think i'm going to die, and i'm so angry that i lost control.

Sorry to go on.


16-03-05, 17:14
340 mg of betablockers- atenolol or propanolol ?!

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

16-03-05, 17:36
proprananol meg

16-03-05, 17:49
Thanks Glitter.

Propanolol are tablets that are not safe to take another one of frequently. By all means miss doses if you're ok, but please do not double up doses.

Betablockers are usually used to bring down high blood pressure. They slow and steady the heart beat - it's really not surprising that you felt worse, you were onto a cardiac therapeutic dose.

The highest recommended dose for anxiety is 120 mg spread evenly throughout a 24 hour period.

Maybe whilst you're having acute full blown horrific panic attacks you could ask your doctor for a prescription for valium/ativan that would really help calm you down quickly and that you could use totally on an as needed basis and with the possibility of safely taking another one if you needed to.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

16-03-05, 18:00
Hey Glitter,

Welcome to the site,

Take care,

tracy x x

16-03-05, 18:22
Hi Glitter

Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you will get a lot of help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

16-03-05, 18:32
Hi Glitter,
I hadn't read this until after I had replied to your other post.

I also suffer from palpitations/missed ectopic heartbeats and I find that they can control my life. I have had a few sitting here typing this and this morning had loads which then sent my heart racing! My doc refuses to give me any meds and I suppose I am better of without them, but I just can't help allowing myself to worry that there is something more wrong with than just anxiety. Silly I know, and I am determined to get past thinking this and hope you can too.

Take care,

16-03-05, 19:13
Hi Glitter and welcome aboard.

Good to see you here and I hope we can be of some help.


16-03-05, 19:16
Hi Glitter,
Welcome to the site.:D

take care

16-03-05, 20:11

Welcome to the site. Sorry you are feeling so bad right now.
Stay around, there's advice & support from a kind & friendly bunch of people & I'm sure it will help you through this.


Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.