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View Full Version : Dizziness and brain tumour fear

13-11-03, 14:09
Because of all of the dizzy and off balance feelings I get I get scared I have a brain tumour or other brain disorder. When I told my psychiatrist this, he sent me for an EEG which came back normal. I know an EEG measures brain waves but it would have shown something up if I had a brain tumour wouldn't it. My psychiatrist says it would but for some reason I can't believe it because of the way I feel.

Can anyone reassure me.


13-11-03, 14:16
It would have shown up any irregularities, yes.

Accept it, be pleased and now try to focus your energies on helping your anxiety productively - instead of exacerbating it with scary thoughts of something that has now been proven does not exist.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

13-11-03, 15:44
sorry to labour the point but would a brain tumour show up as an irregularity. I hope so. I am trying to be so positive it's just hard when you feel like this.


13-11-03, 18:30

first of all,as meg has said an EEG,will show up any abnormality..so you can put those NEGATIVE thoughts out of your mind.

spend more time on positive activities...take 5mins away from worrying about your problems...you will read here about BREATHING from the diaphram,and thats wot i think you should really try.

as your feeling so poorly at the moment,find a comfortable chair,loosen any tight clothing,and just concentrate on your BREATHING..at this stage,i would say count to 4 on the inbreath,and7 on the outbreath....as your breathing out,think of it as dispursing all those problems,but just one problem per session...do at least 3 x 5min sessions a day...you will be amazed how much calmer you start to feel....keep it going ,day by day..week by week.....then change over to 7inbreaths, and 11 outbreaths...

i know your suffering at the moment...so i would also suggest you try the bach rescue remedy,its a compilation of flower essences...five in all,its completely herbal,and safe to take...just put bach rescue,in the search cat,at the top right hand corner of the page...much has been written about it.

only you can decide to take advice,we cant force you,but everyone here is rooting for you,and no one would wish you harm...only good..best wishes..bryan.

13-11-03, 19:53
Hi Jules

Once you have been told you are clear and don't have a brain tumour then you really need to get on and accept it. If you don't you will never move forward.

Please try :-)


13-11-03, 20:11
Hi Jules

I also have the same fear as I too experience lots of dizziness, nausea, visual disturbances and I also now suffer migraines. I feel totally weird with the migraines, sometimes I cant talk as my mouth feels funny and I feel spaced out completely with terrible headaches and flashing lights. I too believe that I must have a brain tumour or something. I am going to the hospital this Monday and I hope to get the all clear like you so it is one less thing to worry about. Please take the doctors advice as they do know what they are talking about. I know that it is extremely difficult to believe that your actually quite healthy despite feeling awful all of the time, as I too find this difficult but its the only way to move forward.

Look after yourself and be kind to yourself. You deserve it.




17-11-03, 10:41

The reason that I hang onto the worries is that my dr suggested I could go for an MRI privately, because of my worries. This just makes me think that a brain tumour or something would only show up on that and not on the EEG. Silly I know I will try and be positive.

I've no intention of having an MRI because I can't afford it and anyway I don't want to give into my fears when I've been told that the EEG was ok. I just find it really hard


17-11-03, 12:07
Hi Jules,

No NHS GP is going to refuse you an alternative if you're willing to pay for it and a) will make you happy, b)you might complain about him/her.. they have to be so much more careful about this these days.

However, you could set yourself a goal of 2 / 3 months or so of really trying hard at at the self supportive roles eg, exercise, real relaxation, nutrition etc and if at the end of that you can honestly say you haven't had any breakthrough good days then you could see your doctor agaion and discuss it further.... ? Not that I think there is anything wrong but it might make you feel better to have a plan B.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

17-11-03, 12:20
It isn't my NHS dr that has suggested the MRI but a private Psychiatrist.

It just scared me that the MRI was his suggestion and not mine. Though I could see he would be wanting to put my mind at rest. The eeg did come about because my other half had specifically mentioned to the dr that I had a fear of a brain tumour. Guess there would have been no point sending me for this if this sort of abnormality wouldn't have shown up. The MRI only then came up afterwards previously he has dismissed it because of the cost. I think I was just panicking because I was told that my eeg results were almost normal and not just normal. I worried until it was explained that my results were just within a normal range just like your weight for your height can be within a normal range and is different for different people.

I just needed someone else to tell me that a brain tumour would have shown up on EEG and that then the drs would have been the ones insisting on me going for an MRI to invesigate further, not giving me the choice.
By the way this site is great, thank you so much for your help and advice, it really does mean a lot.