View Full Version : cant take much more

04-03-08, 09:06
been awake in night again with fast heart, now i feel im gasping for breathe and heart missing beats again is it normal to get this every single day im so fed up:weep:

04-03-08, 09:12
Hi Amanda

Sorry to hear you're not feeling so good hun :hugs:

Have you seen your doctor about your anxiety hun? Are you on meds?

Is there anything you can do to wind down before you go to bed, like having a nice bath, reading a book or listening to some calming music? It may help you sleep better?

Jo xxxxx

04-03-08, 09:21
hi lilith ive seen dr and im on trazadone and antenolol, but they dont seem to be working , i do read in bed ,i can get to sleep i just wake up sort of startled about 2 hours later thanks for the reply

04-03-08, 09:57
Hi Amanda - how long have you been on them? Maybe they havent kicked in?

Maybe you should go back to your GP if you have been taking them for a while and tell him about your interrupted sleep. It might be a case of your meds needing to be changed or your GP could give you something to help you sleep better?

Jo xxxxx

04-03-08, 10:15
ive been on trazadone about 6 weeks now and antenolol 2 weeks i just cant stand the feeling of gasping for air im so scared

04-03-08, 11:03
hello amanda,im so sorry you feel awful.ive been there many times throughout the last 30 years.i dont think your waking up with a fast heart rate is anything to do with the medications you are on.ive only ever had diazapam so cant comment on any others really but ireally think its your panic attacks and anxiety thats causing this to happen i lost count of the times i would call my family on the phone in the middle of the nights waking up with the fast heart rate,its so scary as for your feeling breathless and not able to take a deep breath i think thats yet again another horrible symptom of panic like so many sufferers get.im not sure if this will help with the feeling of not been able to breath but it does help me,it may sound silly but i buy halls extra strong mentholytus lozenges for sore throats etc and they are so cooling they give you a great relief from that feeling of not being able to breath.that heart jumping missing a beat etc is so common ive had it for years off and on and the more you concentrate on it the more it happens i think,im getting it now just typing about it,please try to let it go over your head.like i advised my own daughter who had it ,not to let it take over her life like i did many years ago. wishing you all the best and understanding your feelings linda

04-03-08, 11:37
hi linda thank you for the reply , it helps to know others have been through it aswell ,its not sill bout the halls i will give it a go today thank you, i do concentrte on it alot and it does make it worse but i still cant stop it , id just like a day without the breathlessness as its constant
thanks again amanda x

05-03-08, 14:12
Hi amanda,

only last night i went to bed and had a fast heart rate...well it didnt go above 100 but for being in bed thats fast to me.

I was so scared. Then everytime i tried to go to sleep , just before i was about to drop off id start to feel really weird, cant explain how, but it made me feel like i needed to move. Then i realised i wasnt really breathing properly.

Iv just been reading...poor breathing can mak your heart beat faster and this then means you need more oxygen so breath faster, its a vicious circle.

Sorry i havent been much help.
Hope you feel better asap.
Cassi xxx

05-03-08, 15:40
hi cassie thanks for reply sorry to hear your having same problem hope it goes soon for you as for the weird feeling i know what you mean
